View Full Version : shaking sensation in head

18-09-08, 20:24
Hi there, I'm really hoping someone can advise or tell me I'm not on my own! I've been getting the weirdest feelings in my head, on top and down forehead - its like a quivering feeling, even a shaking feeling sometimes. Nothing visible on outside, is my brain going crazy?? I get feelings of real pressure too, I'm terrified something is going to burst or something. ANyone out there know what I mean??! :unsure:


18-09-08, 20:34
i get that when I'm tired or anxious, do you only get it when your anxious?

18-09-08, 22:09
I get this too, but must admit i was pretty freaked out when it first started. I just put it down to stress/anxiety. I usually just ignore it now and don't get it as much as i used to. I think this is the same with alot of symptoms though, once i recognise it as anxiety it tends to subside.:yesyes:

19-09-08, 01:35
i get that also

Lisa D
19-09-08, 15:09
Yep! Know this one pretty well. With me its when I'm tired/stressed over somethin, and it goes from my head, right down to my toes like lightening, and then stays around the back of my head. It is suchhhh a weird sensation! It usually disappears in a day or so. Gets worse when I lie down it seems.

19-09-08, 15:27
Does it make a rattling noise?

23-09-08, 18:53
Not just me then??! What a relief! I think it may well be stress related - quite a lot going on at the moment, not least trying to sell a house! I don't get any noises with it....mind you, now I've thought that I may well start to!
It is such a queer feeling I was sure it must be something awful. Feeling so much better about it - thanks all!
rosekay :yesyes: