View Full Version : Torso Pains

18-09-08, 20:51

In a bit of a state tonight about pains. Dr thinks all my pains are anxiety related but it is just hard to believe tonight.

I have daily pains like pulled muscles under my lower right ribs and lower down to the side/back. Often i have dull aches there too and in the centre of my chest. Occasional odd stabbing pains both side of chest. Daily back pain too, particularly right shoulder area. Chest tightness and also stabbing pain occasionally in my throat. Over the last three months have had bloatedness and nausea too. Sometimes it feels like i have spear straight through my middle with stabbing pains radiating out when I move! Gastroscopy was all OK and so was an ultrasound. I'm worrying its something serious that the ultrasound couldn't see. Can anxiety really be doing this to me - has anyone else experienced anything like this?

thanks for reading.

ANDY :sad:

Captain America
18-09-08, 20:54
i get it too. sometimes it's like someone put a spear through my back and it's poking out the front. sometimes i think it's my kidneys, and other times it's lower like appendix.

i have had a ct scan and scope. nothing there. so i'm going with anxiety for now.

if anyone has this and maybe thinks it sounds like gerd or ibs, maybe some of it is, but have to say the stabbing pains are pretty sharp

18-09-08, 21:04
Hun how you feeling now?? This does sound very characteristic of GERD to me. I get it myself & have in the past thought i was having a heart attack. as it effect your chest aswell as back & throat & stomach.
If you look back there are many posts on GERD on NMP, its very common of the anxiety sufferer. GERD would not really be picked up on a gastroscopy or ultrasound but other gastric probs would so try & let that relieve you.

Research GERD and it may tally with how you are feeling & clarify things to you. However if you are concerned go to your local A&E & they may be able to run some test such as an ecg to reasurre you its not cardiac realted.

Best Wishes

18-09-08, 21:16
Thanks for replies. I'll look at GERD, but i thought i'd have more acidy symptoms. I'm not so worried about my heart, more my pancreas/liver.....

I try to convince myself its anxiety though - it does get worse if I focus on it, google etc.

To be honest when it wasn't a duodenal ulcer (as suspected by the Dr) i was disappointed as at least it would have had a diagnosis (what a sad state to be in!)

Captain America
18-09-08, 21:20
yeah it's funny to say, but i thought the same thing. i still refuse to admit this is all anxiety. i suppose i'm stuck with it until i do.

good luck