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View Full Version : how many of you feel ill all the time

18-09-08, 22:49
Hello all so sorry to post this thread but i feel so alone in this i am constantly at the dr's looking for answers etc but i get the same answer all the time all tests are normal etc.. but i just feel so ill all the time my heart is racing or skipping beats all day long the only time i have peace is when i'm sleeping!!!!
just feel so drained dizzy spells feel as if i'm about to die at any moment feeling faint and very strange at times can't really describe in words how i feel just that i feel sooo ill..(don't know if that makes sence) i don't look forward to anything don't enjoy life at all every day i wake feeling rotten and tired exhausted i think might be the right word to use does anyone else feel like this
I have health anxiety or so they say i just can't belive them anymore:weep:

18-09-08, 23:24
Gosh you are having a heck of a time
there is so much help here for you and so many users with advice to offer
you will have to look first at the stressors in your life and learn not to worry and redirect your thoughts. This takes time but when you accept things eventually youwill feel like your oldself again. So many people have helped and taught me here. Just reading about people with similar helps to know you are not alone and so many of us feel as you do. Take care xxx hope this helps

19-09-08, 01:33
i know how you feel, i feel horrible all day long also. my head always feels strange and light headed and its hard for me to focus my vision. also i get pains in my chest and shortness of breath all the time. its hard for me to find joy in life right now, but i hope it will come soon. its even hard for me to sleep, the only time i can is when i pass out from stressin all day.
i just want you to know that your not alone!!!!
you will get better one day, just hang in there!! pm me anytime you need to talk.

19-09-08, 01:57
Hi Matthews,:)

I can so relate to what you say:

'I just feel so drained dizzy spells feel as if i'm about to die at any moment feeling faint and very strange at times'.

I also get these feelings most if not all of the time. My vision is also strange.

I have found that since I have realised that anxiety can cause all these symptoms it has helped eased the fear that I am about to die.

I try to not focus on the feelings - which I know can be very difficult at times. I try to keep telling myself that it's anxiety.

I hope it helps to know that you're not alone in feeling like this.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

23-09-08, 23:55
you are definately not alone and until i read your post i thought i was the only one feeling like that. everyday i feel ill too, exhausted even if i haven't done anything, cant focus properly, feel very faint and dizzy all the time and i look at other people and wonder what it would be like to feel normal again like they do. i would do anything to feel well and happy and i cant remember what it's like to feel that. i have suffered from anxiety for 2years on and off now, but i cant think of anything bad that has happened in my life to trigger it off which makes me think that it cant be anxiety and that it must be something terribly wrong inside. but after seeing what you guys are going through makes me realise that it probably is anxiety and nothing majorly wrong with my body. although that doesnt make it much easier as i have no idea where to start to stop me from feeling like this. I havent had a major panic atack for ages until nw and i know i must be bad as i only ever visit this site when im really scared. i have been going hot and cold and not being able to take deep breaths and shaking a lot. It gives me comfort coming on here and also distracts me so i automatically tend to calm down. But im scared im never going to feel normal again!!! :-(

24-09-08, 00:09
Me too. Feel continually ill, convinced I have something serious, find it hard to get on with life

24-09-08, 01:20
I wouldnt say I do all of the time but defintely a good part of the time. I was feeling alot better and just the past month I have been feeling awful again.

24-09-08, 08:26
you are not alone i too feel like this try writing down what you think is wrong with you at certain times of the day and see if you can see a pattern also it helps to look back and see that you thought you were so ill and yet your still fine this helps me a lot if im having a bad spell i tell myself it hasnt hurt me before so why would it now i hope this helps x

24-09-08, 10:51

I agree with all of you, i liken it to a daily and sometimes nightly battle , sometimes the anxiety wins and sometimes i win - what can we do - none of us want to be like this forever it is no life to live it in constant fear of something that will probably never happen but it's a fight and we must make sure we win and the anxiety mst not get the better of us.

24-09-08, 11:07
Hiya Matthews

I was like that years ago. I wouldn't do much exercise because I had convinced myself that I was ill, or due for some sort of heart attack/stroke etc.

I would always feel ill, headaches, dizzy, just never ever had a whole day when I could say I was 100%.

Looking back, my thoughts kepted me in this state of mind. I think we actually keep ourselves ill with our thoughts, especially with health anxiety.

The key is to tackle these thoughts and the way we think to enable us to overcome overwhelming anxiety.

How? well that's the 1 million dollar question. I more or less overcame health anxiety after reading Claire Weekes books and taking more exercise. However, other techniques have helped others like talk therapies, meds, tackling that ongoing problem in your life affecting your health, or even sometimes as simple as getting more rest/less stress.

I wager your day starts with waking (safe bet there ;)), then a quick thought like "will I feel as bad today as I did yesterday?" which inevitabily you will because your already thinking it.

Then you will doubt your GP, "they have missed something" and "I must be ill" and even "why can't I be like those around me, why can't I just enjoy the simple things in life?".

I imagine other thoughts are "is this it for life?", and possibly "why me?, why can't they just fix me, tell me what's wrong?".

Complex ole subject anxiety, but take heart in that you are not alone, many people have been where you are now (me being one of them) and come through the otherside, to learn from it and be more resilient to stress.

If you haven't got a copy, I would recommend getting "Hope and Help for your Nerves" by Claire Weekes. It's a very good factual and practical based self-help book by a Dr who suffered anxiety, and I found it invaluable.

Good luck, and remember, it can be overcome with trial and error and patience. In the mean time, while waiting for recovery, eat well, sleep well and keep to some mild form of exercise.


The Jaco

24-09-08, 11:21
HEY...welcome to nmp....you will find all the help you need on here hunni....i know exactly what oyu mean when you ay you just feel ill... i constantly feel drained and have lack of interestsin lots of stuff iuse to love....take cae and hope ot hear from you soon...xx:bighug1: :welcome:

24-09-08, 11:30
I'm another HA sufferer!!

But like you matthews i am constantly thinking it's not anxiety and it scares me so much.

I struggle every day (mornings are the worst for me) i look and feel terrible. I am losing weight, my hair is falling out.

I just want to live my life but i can't!!


24-09-08, 12:18
what the matter you have shared here is really good. Is it so easy to analyse by yourself and get the solution by yourself. Can you suggest me any direct way.

really confused what I mean exactly can you help me out of this.

24-09-08, 13:49
Again I did not know people felt like me too. I did a post earlier on this.
I wake with a headache and then during the day I can guarantee there is not a moment when I don't either have a headache, stomach cramps, runs, feel sick, weak, dizzy, have a fuzzy head etc..
Sometimes its hard to get through the day and then when I get in bed I think thank God thats over.
I have had the doc give me blood tests for diabetes and everything as I don't know how I can feel so ill so often and not have something wrong with me.
Maybe it is stress, I am on edge all the time, I mean today a car honked its horn near me and I jumped out of my skin.
But isn't it strange how it manifests in physical illness?

24-09-08, 14:16
Excellent post Jaco x

24-09-08, 14:16
:yesyes: Excellent post Jaco x :yesyes:

25-09-08, 09:49
I very rarely have a whole day when I don't feel ill and it's reassuring to know it's not just me. I've been like this pretty much since I was 15 and I'm now 53, so it's been a lot of years of feeling like crap.

I had years when every day I woke up feeling anxious and panicky, now it's not so much that but more a feeling of being exhausted and heady.

I try very hard to do all the right things to feel better. I exercise every day, I eat a healthy diet, I don't smoke or drink etc. However I still feel crappy every day and wish I knew the answer to it :ohmy:

25-09-08, 13:11
Not sure how much I can help you, would you like to give me some more knowlege about you........... if you are ready to give then I ll come forward...

26-09-08, 10:50
I have felt all of the above for about a month now. I also have lost my emotions, if you know what I mean. I wish sometimes that I could have a good cry and let it all out, but there is nothing there. I get the feeling that things are going on around me and I am not really part of it. I have had anxiety for 10 years, but have been getting on with my life. Going places and going out on my own no problem. This constant tiredness is very draining. Luckily I have no trouble sleeping at night. I hit the pillow and thats it till around 8.a.m. next morning.

This should be one of the happiest times of my life. We had our first grandchild in July and he is happiest little baby, with the cheekiest grin I have ever seen. My daughter comes most days with him, and he cheers me up. We go a walk and I am the proudest grandmother on earth when I am pushing the pram, but there is always that niggle there that I want to do more.

Jenny xxx

26-09-08, 11:02
I feel like it a lot of the time too and its horrible. This site is fantastic tho, I am so glad I found it. It really helps knowing your not alone.

26-09-08, 13:22
Hi Matthews,

Sorry to hear that you are feeling really down with all this.

I think since all my anxiety started about 4 months ago, there has rarely been a day where I wasn't getting some physical symptoms. Sometmes they are easy to explain, like chest pain, dizziness etc, but at other times, I would just 'feel ill', like a wierd, weak, tingling, oddness in my whole chest and abdomen area.

Even when I get get days where my mental anxiety seems more in check, I still get physical symptoms, pretty much all the time.

It's hard to endure I know, but as the Chinese proverb says ''The only constant in life, is change''. Try to bear that in mind, it will remind you that things can get better, it just takes time.

All the best.

26-09-08, 14:43
Every day I feel ill and wonder whether today will be my last. I can't cope.

26-09-08, 22:51
:hugs: Hello all many many thanks to you all for taking the time to read my post and reply it is nice to know that i'm not alone in feeling like this but it's not nice for us sufferes to feel like this day in day out.
I wish i had a magic wand to get us all back to normality don't know about anyone else but all i want is to feel normal again and not have these anxiety attacks and enjoy life again.
A friend of mine said to me the old you is in there you have just put your outer coat to hang up for a while???? well it's been 5 yrs now and that coat is still hung up!!!!!
tried c.b.t medication allsorts i think my health anxiety is deep rooted so i am awaiting an appointment with a psychologist
once again thank you all for replying to my thread:bighug: :bighug1:

27-09-08, 11:23
i know what your going threw :( i know exactly how you feel.. i feel the same way most of the time.. im dizzy and light headed alott.. ive also had tests done and was told it was just me panicing again .. i know its hard and i know you feel sick :( ... you will be okay and you will get threw this! stay strong and if you ever need to talk look for me :P

28-09-08, 12:26
im glad i found this post. i posted on here about a year ago about the unwell feeling...i describe it like my body is constantly fighting off a virus...thats a bit of what it feels like..can anyone relate to this??

iwas doing so much better last month, and dare i say, almost felt normal for parts of the day, it was so wonderful, now ive gone backwards and am much worse.

im so sorry that you all feel ill, but am very glad that i know now that this is a common symptom as well, and along with my other major symptoms....dizzyness spell- a lot now its getting hotter here...and headaches....but the ill feeling is what gets me, and i hate the hotflushes....even though im way too young to be in menopause....:blush:

today- good example!- i was having lunch in a cafe on a hot day, it was hot in the cafe- no aircon and i felt like i was gonna faint...badly! it calmed after about an hour there....i guess when i knew we were leaving....but all the pannicky thoughts now- i need another blood test, whats wrong with me etc....it was only 28 degrees......ugh..summer!

21-11-08, 20:07
I agree with Jaco
I too have Claire Weekes book, it is by my bed for a last nite read and an early morning boost.
I was bedridden for weeks, at the docs constantly, couldn't eat and had the most terrible symptoms.
Acceptance is the key to breaking the fear we have and I have done everything I can to help myself. That isn't saying I am cured, because the head demon is always with me LOL I just let Dr Weekes banish him!
I have downloaded the free narratives from the site and have a cd in my car, She is amazing!
I could never have imagined 5 weeks ago that I would be where I am now, but I am, and its fantastic!
Good luck

28-07-09, 16:07
Hi, I'm new here.
I'm 20 years old and I feel ill, every single day. Over the past couple months I've found it hard to be by myself when I feel so rubbish. Heart palpitations, sweating, tremor (shaking), headaches, nausea, backache, sleeplessness but tiredness and exhausition during the day. All sorts. I've been to my GP but they have found nothing wrong. It's getting to the point now where I don't bother to go see my doctor or bother to get up in the mornings because I know that I am just going to go back to bed anyways. I've been feeling so ill lately that I can't hold down a job because I need at least 2 days a week off because of how I feel, if not a whole week! I can't travel because of the nausea which has put a major dent in my social life.
I feel very lonely in this. Even as I type this now I feel nauseous and cold.
Anyone got any ideas on how to stop this? I've run out of ideas.
Thanks all.


sarah jayne
25-04-10, 19:32
I constantly feel ill and am constantly in pain....

26-05-10, 14:45
i am 25yrs old, and a mother to my 4yr old little girl, in august last yr i had a funny turn and had a ambulance sent out to me, but paramedics said i had suffered sun stroke as i had been on a beach all day, they just told me to stay at home, since then i have felt ill almost every day, im convinced i didnt have sun stroke but a bad anxiety attack., i am suppossedly healthy according to numerous blood tests, cat scans, a very scary mri scan, 2 ecgs's, last year i was convinced i had a brain tumour as an ENT dr told me that i had sumthing wrong with my brain, but she was wrong and i still cant believe that my brain scan came back normal, i had even planned my funeral with with my partner.
now i know i am healthy and need to get over what ever this is that i have, my partner thinks i put alot of this on and says its so i get out of lookin after my daughter, he couldnt be more wrong if he tried, i am getting married in 6 wks and should be the happiest time of my life.
i am so sick of feeling light headed, dizzy, hands and feet tingling but worst of all is the strange feeling i feel in my head that makes me feel as though i am not here in person but lookin in from somewhere else, its so hard to even put into words how i feel, i fear im starting to become agraphobic too as i havent been able to go shopping for s long, my partner does most things for the family that need doing outside the house, all i can say is thank goodness for online shopping lol, anyways, i hope many of you start to feel better, im now preparing myself that im in this for the long haul:weep:

26-05-10, 22:54
Jaco has just described what I do and what I say to myself everyday, even if I'm not feeling anxious for a tiny moment I'm still bloody thinking about it. Grrrrrr! I've had a headache everyday for almost two years now, no wonder :weep:


04-03-11, 12:46
Sorry to ressurect this thread and I hope I'm allowed to do that but everything the OP described is how I've been feeling for years. I'm a mature woman going through menopause and I'm sure that has something to do with it, that and my elevated TSH -- I've ran from doctor to doctor and nobody is able to help me...not sure if a lot of the way I'm feeling is the tangled mess I find yself in. I;ve been trying to figure myself out for 5 years. I'm exhausted with it all and fed up with being sick. Does anyone have any advice as to where I go from here? I'm feeling scared and alone. :weep:

04-03-11, 22:38
should i have started a new thread?

05-03-11, 01:20
It doesn't matter JB, you can post here. :welcome: to NMP. Are you being treated for you thyroid prob first of all? You will feel rubbish if your levels aren't right and I'm sure the menopause isn't fun either (heading into that myself). Hope you find being on NMP a help, it's a really good site with lots of great people around xxx

05-03-11, 12:18
thank you so much for your response Jane - I will post a new thread and give a history of what's been going on with me...

Thank you for replying anyway - :)

30-04-11, 09:57
Hi guys not sure if anyone who has posted in the past will see this but may help a lot of you, im male, 26 yrs old and have suffered from all the symptoms that most of you have, after around 18 months of research all the symptons have come back to having a stomach ulcer, i am on medication for it and they help but not completly, i am in the loop hole for having an endoscopy to investigate more but i am pretty sure it is, also i suffer from anxiety and that does not help as i have a constant paranoia of it happening, it is ruining my life, too scared of going out, cant drive much and i used to be a rally driver so it pretty much ruined my life, but really get checked out for stomach ulcers and also the bacteria that causes them which is H . Pylori, i will keep you all informed when i get the endoscopy and maybe it may be the answer we are all looking for!!

03-08-11, 23:01
Thank god I'm not alone. the last 12 months I've been feeling ill. Started with stomach pains,griping,diarrhea.The stomach pains seemed to fade, but followed by feeling sick, tho never actually throwing up and feeling headachy. Had lots of blood tests even a chest xray, all were ok. Had a spell of my throat gurgling and me swallowing my spit when I was in bed.
Seem to feel worst when I'm at work, but have no stress at work, quite the opposite pretty quiet at work. Weekends are best for me and when I drink alcohol or when I'm on holiday.
Think I've convinced myself its anxiety, as I use to think I had every cancers under the sun but dont have these feeling now. What do I do, do I go down the antidepressents route, which my doc wants me to try?
My wife has had enough, and I'm fed up with feeling ill all the time.

04-08-11, 17:25
I believe that what we are all suffering from is anxiety related to symptoms and sensations, when Claire Weekes talks about acceptance it is related to symptoms and sensations.
We should live at peace with these symptoms and sensations and just let them be there without pushing against them. By not liking or dwelling on these sensations adrenaline is released and the viscous cycle continues so increasing the sensitivity of the nervous system.

04-08-11, 21:47
Thanks for the quick reply Ronski. Yes you make sense, I will try and not dwell on feeling bad, see wat happens.

26-12-11, 15:34
I realise this is an older thread but i can really relate (if you can redirect me to a more recent version then that would be great) meanwhile..

My feeling ill all the time started some 8 years ago...

I'd just finished an afternoon shift and had returned home. I was in that relaxing phase (not that work had been stressful - quite the contrary) and sat down to catch the news on tv. I just remember a wave of feeling awful, a spaced out sensation i hadn't felt before. A few weeks later a pressure sensation started in my head. It really troubled me and was the start of a long period of anguish and ill health...

Fast forward to present day. I recently resigned from my last job because i felt so rough, unsteady and fuzzy-headed and just couldn't concentrate. It was exhausting trying to hold up the facade of normality....especially when people were telling me how tired and ill i looked.

I'm regularly exhausted and priodically feel like I'm going to drop down dead. I'm depressed because i feel 'it' is winning and slowly getting worse. My memory is affected and so is my balance. I used to get a couple of hours of feeling ok after waking before but now that's been replaced with feeling yuck from the moment i wake.

In the last few years i've had: Many blood tests, EEG, ECG (inc stress test) CT brain scan, MRI brain scan, seen Neurologists, General Medicine Consultants, lots of GP's, ENT consultant, Psychiatrist and nurse practioners.

They found nothing (other than a slight bilirubin liver count elevated). What seems to stop any vigorous testing by the consultants is the length of time ive suffered this. Their take is ...."if it were anything serious then it would have progressed into a more serious state by now"

It's very frustrating waiting months to see an expert only to have them shrug their shoulders as to the cause of your suffering.

Thanks for reading.

26-12-11, 15:45
Yes, I can also relate to this...It's been my life for the past 3 1/2 years...

I do get the odd day where I feel ok, or something a string of a few days...then 'it' comes back with pains, nausea, or chest pains, pains all over body, numbness, ringing in ears etc...

I think half of what we feel so strongly, is stuff that most people feel but pay not attention to..it's just that we are always in 'alert mode' and as soon as we get that pain or dizzy feeliing, in our mind it's down to something fatal that's about to happen.

I try to keep on top my mine by not working so much (4 days a week), eating well as I can (cutting out fatty stuff and not too much sugars) and drinking relaxing teas (herbal, or green tea). And exercise helps, but i don't go so often, maybe once or twice a week to the swimming pool...but it does give a good feeling.

26-12-11, 18:52
Hi Matthews

DITTO!!!! to everything you have said. It does make me feel better though knowing other people feel the same, and you have summed it up well so thank you. I find its a real struggle to keep my mind occupied but once i do, i do feel better, although its not long before the greeping thoughts come back and i remember and then i feel rubbish again, its very frustrating as i am always monitoring myself, especially when i'm with other people. xmas day was hard - i felt dizzy and crap and under so much pressure to do everything i felt like crying and going to bed but you just have to try and carry on. there were moments when i felt ok, but mostly i felt rubbish.

Hope we all feel better soon!

29-12-11, 15:52
Omg Ive got 5 kids and I feel the same I just don't. O what to do any more I feel like a bad mum all the time am always dizzy and heAd is killing me I can't take my kids to school coz I feel like am gonna pass out and die am only 25& I feel 90 some day all my family tink is funny but is killing me in side

sherylee xx
29-12-11, 22:06
me i feel like you do :( xx

29-12-11, 23:00
I could've written this myself as this is the way am mostly feeling all the time and its absolutly horrible :-( I just want to feel normal again and enjoy my life and winter months seem to be the worst for me. But you know what? Am going to get better in 2012. I owe it to my children, my husband but mostly myself. I dont want to live lke this for the rest of my life as am afraid I will get to about 80 and say to myself ' what was I worried about all those years an I've wasted my life on this anxiety'. I've got to beat this and I have to be determined. So this is going to be my new years resolution !! Hope your feeling better soon xxx

29-12-11, 23:41
I hope I can do the same in 2012 I need to get my life bk and be a mum and not a cow I love my kids so much but I feel like they don't love me the way I am

30-12-11, 00:08
Your kids love you more than anything and from personal experiance they will no matter what. My mum suffered from depression and I went through absolute hell growing up with her ( and I mean hell!!! Horrid childhood ) but I still loved her more than anything , she was my mum and she had an illness that no one else in my family helped her to get help for. I have 3 children and I often wonder the same but I do know they love me by their hugs :) My anxiety stops me from doing lots of things with them but not hugging them or telling them how much I love them. I know it can be really hard at times and its a really hard battle. Hopefully we will both do good in the new year. We will have to think posivitive :) xxx

25-01-12, 13:25
Hiya Matthews

I was like that years ago. I wouldn't do much exercise because I had convinced myself that I was ill, or due for some sort of heart attack/stroke etc.

I would always feel ill, headaches, dizzy, just never ever had a whole day when I could say I was 100%.

Looking back, my thoughts kepted me in this state of mind. I think we actually keep ourselves ill with our thoughts, especially with health anxiety.

The key is to tackle these thoughts and the way we think to enable us to overcome overwhelming anxiety.

How? well that's the 1 million dollar question. I more or less overcame health anxiety after reading Claire Weekes books and taking more exercise. However, other techniques have helped others like talk therapies, meds, tackling that ongoing problem in your life affecting your health, or even sometimes as simple as getting more rest/less stress.

I wager your day starts with waking (safe bet there ;)), then a quick thought like "will I feel as bad today as I did yesterday?" which inevitabily you will because your already thinking it.

Then you will doubt your GP, "they have missed something" and "I must be ill" and even "why can't I be like those around me, why can't I just enjoy the simple things in life?".

I imagine other thoughts are "is this it for life?", and possibly "why me?, why can't they just fix me, tell me what's wrong?".

Complex ole subject anxiety, but take heart in that you are not alone, many people have been where you are now (me being one of them) and come through the otherside, to learn from it and be more resilient to stress.

If you haven't got a copy, I would recommend getting "Hope and Help for your Nerves" by Claire Weekes. It's a very good factual and practical based self-help book by a Dr who suffered anxiety, and I found it invaluable.

Good luck, and remember, it can be overcome with trial and error and patience. In the mean time, while waiting for recovery, eat well, sleep well and keep to some mild form of exercise.


The Jaco could have not put it better myself,how we have pain on our bodies from anxiety beats me ,not so much now but it comes back now and then ,but if i have a say pain in the head then my ibs go,s away and vice versa because i am not thinking about my ibs, i think back to when i took everything for granted go back in time and start again anybody else feel like that wish they could build a time machine go back to yourself and family and say dont do this and that ,then come back and every thing would be ok ,i wish :yesyes:

Carl renshaw
25-07-12, 09:06
i know how you feel, i feel horrible all day long also. my head always feels strange and light headed and its hard for me to focus my vision. also i get pains in my chest and shortness of breath all the time. its hard for me to find joy in life right now, but i hope it will come soon. its even hard for me to sleep, the only time i can is when i pass out from stressin all day.
i just want you to know that your not alone!!!!
you will get better one day, just hang in there!! pm me anytime you need to talk.

I Sefer from the same thing ,felling sick all the time sometimes shaking and all that but it seems to help when around friends but mostly only happens when I get home and have nothing else to do .
Part of your problem could be worrying about what's wrong with you and thinking about felling sick. I just do some yoga or focus on some positive things and take deep breaths or chill out and watch tv or maybe play a sport to get your mind off it ,but just try to not be board and go out and do something fun

25-07-12, 22:04
I think that may be Lyme disease. I can't relate, but I wish you the best. :)

17-02-17, 17:34
im in shock this is the exact thing im going through i feel and see no end my doctor just says its my health anxiety but if he could feel the really strange feeling going on in my head and body he would probably really worry to :weep: