View Full Version : my annoying therapist, but a good tip

Captain America
18-09-08, 23:14
okay this annoyed me. my therapist is a sweet, petitie, soft spoken young woman who looks like she'd be quite a push over. but the other day in my session i told her i was stuggling with how one day i could do something and it wouldn't bother me, but how on days when i'm really anxed up i get extremely stressed when trying to do even simple tasks that my wife asks me to do.

i told her 'i can't handle more on top of whatever i'm dealing with...like i can only handle one stress at a time. i just can't do it.'

she said, smirking, 'well, you know you COULD do it right? i mean, if someone were to say 'i'll give you a million dollars to bathe the kids, or call the insurance company, you would find a way to get that done right?'

i hate her! of course she's right, but i don't like being called on my $%&.

so i've been doing that lately. when faced with a situation, i think, could i get it done for a million dollars? and if the answer is yes, then i do it.

it's odd, but it helps.

19-09-08, 00:26
hey it helps! but still she was a bit mean! she could have said it in a more compassionate way, i'm the same way some days are good n some not so good