View Full Version : Mouth Problems

19-09-08, 06:36
Hey. just the other day i was looking in my mouth randomly.. i found inside me mouth on my cheek i little sore area i didnt even know was there..and started freakingout about it.. its on my cheek next to my top back tooth .. i left it alone for 3 days.. and its still there i looked today. i had a closer look, it looks like theres a few little blisters or somthing..there is one abit bigger and i see some that look smaller.. i know that sounds weird.. i dont know what to do... im from america living in australia and it costs me heaps to go see a doctor.. i really want to but things are so tight.. i cant talk to anyone else about this here at home because people here arent very understanding. i stopped smoking about 2 years ago and if i do have a smoke its like maybe 1 every 2 months.. maybe less then that. anyways ofcourse im thinking oral cancer. if somone has any idea of what this is or what i should do please let me know... this is realy starting to get to me :(

19-09-08, 07:13
sorry to hear that your havin a bad day. i've had blisters in my mouth before and i know it can be scary. you also could have cold sores in your mouth which are really commen. your gonna be fine!! i know money is tight but go to the doctor for your peice of mind. if you need to talk you can PM me:)

19-09-08, 22:00
could be a simple ulcer, mine always present as 'blisters' can take upto 7-10 days to disappaer - so try not to panic, there are lots of things you can get from pharmacy to help with pain

19-09-08, 22:51
As smcc says, could be a little collection of ulcers. I get them quite often. They appear as little white circles. Sometimes you can get them if you've had a virus or you're a bit run down. Gargling with warm salt water and/or baking soda helps to soothe them but you can get lots of stuff over the counter at the pharmacy too. They usually go away within 1-2 weeks. They can be quite painful but are common, and harmless.

28-09-08, 13:04
heh .. the thing in my mouth is still there. its been 2 weeks .. and there is nothing i can do about it... its been killing me.. not by hurting me but thinking about it.. so now im just trying not to think about it. i wish i could see a doctor but it costs me.. also im afraide it might be somthing serious.. i didnt get to many posts on this.. it really is killing me.. but i guess this is just somthing i have to handle on my own once again.:wacko:

28-09-08, 13:12
Hi Malv,

My advice would be to go to the pharmacy. You may just have mouth ulcers or cold sores (which it sounds like to me)... they should be able to sell you some medicine or gel over the counter to help you with them. Then you won't have the worry of having to pay loads to see the doctor.

Ps; also, rincing your mouth out with salt water can also help with oral hygiene.

take care.

28-09-08, 14:03
but that antiseptic mouth wash you can get, it should help. i have freaked my self out a few times, i have a few odd little lumps now and again inside my mouth. i freak in think i have cancer but hey im still here so yay.
i'm sure you'll be ook x

28-09-08, 15:27
thats how i think.. i worry about cancer ever since my uncle passed away a few years ago.. i just wish this little lump would go away:weep: its really bothering me mentaly.. ive had it for acouple of weeks now and ive been worrying about it non stop.. i just want a rest.. it dosent even really hurt its just alittle red spot *sigh* ill need to save up money to see a doc because money is tight atm.. and i dont even know if i should see a dentist or just my normal family doctor.. :weep: