View Full Version : pain in my arm??

19-09-08, 07:18
Hi everyone

i know ive had this a million times before but this tim its worrying me, my right arm hurts, its been on and off for a few days, one day nothing the next day its back, i havent had it for ages but then again ive not been this anxious in ages, my shoulder and neck feel sore, it goes to my top muscle of my arm then in2 my hand, sometimes my hand feels weak even though its fine. do u think this is because im tense and anxious, this week ive had a brain tumor, blood clot in the arm, blood clot in the leg, leukemia, and now ive got a tumor in my arm!! if it was anything bad it wouldnt come and go would it??? i must be anxious because i always turnto this board when im at my worst. xxxxx

love to all xx

Leanne xx

19-09-08, 07:29
sounds like anxiety to me!!! my biceps hurt alot and i feel weak all the time! this weeks worries for me have been brain tumor, stroke, mental illness, heart problems, lung worries, and eye scares! i'm sure your gonna be fine!!! :)

19-09-08, 08:59
I have had pains in my arm/shoulder and elbow for quite a while now. I have put mine down to being so anxious about everything else. Hope you are feeling better soon.xx

19-09-08, 10:24
Probably because you are tense. Makes sense that.
I have been getting pain in my arms off n on for a good couple of years now, so i work on the basis that i would know about it by now if it was anything serious.
Mine is worse when i have my arm in the air and bend it, i can be on the phone playing with my hair, and my arm is bent, and i get a pain down the arm, in a wave. I worry its a clot or circulation problem or anything, i really dont know what it is. But i ignore it mostly now.

20-09-08, 12:10
Hi everyone

thanks for your replys, my arm felt better yesterday afternoon but its back again now, its driving me mad! hope it goes soon , take care xx


General FOL
21-09-08, 00:43
Hi, i have similar aches and pains in both of my arms going from shoulder down to fingers, it varies in place, i also have pain in my legs, mostly in my right leg at the moment, anyone else had problems similar in there legs too?, i am also very worried about this.

21-09-08, 01:17
Have you spent a lot of time on the computer or maybe just sitting awkward?

I do often and then blame it on all sorts of things.

21-09-08, 03:43

i always get pain in my legs aswell., i have this so much ive learnt now not to let it get to me, ive woken up with my baby and my arm is the 1st thing on my mind so im worrying again, my shoulder feels sore and it goes right to my hand but my arms actually ok, its a numb, tingly feeling at times, im worrying that i have a tumor in my arm or something.agggggggggggghhhhhhhh worrying at 3.30 am is stupid!!

leanne xx

24-09-08, 12:10
hi everyone

well yesterday it was totally gone now its back, do u think it wouldnt come and go if it were serious?? it feels more muscular to be honest, like if it hurts on my biscep i'll rub and it'll hurt, if its my lower arm i'll do the same it'll hurt to touch it, i dont know but i feel so vunerable at the moment and really need reassurance that i havent got a arm tumor, thats what ive got in my head.

leanne xx

24-09-08, 12:57
I always tell myself that tumours don't come and go day by day. So if it hurts one day and not the next, where did the tumour go? Helps me a bit, anyway :)

24-09-08, 13:11
Could it be any kind of repetitive strain? I get pain in my left shoulder from time to time, due to folding too many drawings at work. My doctor calls it Folders' shoulder, my boss just worries that if it gets too bad I might sue the firm:winks:

24-09-08, 15:28

thanks all for replying, it could be i guess, my little boy slept in my bed again last night and i end up sleeping on my arms or my arms above my head as its so cramped, my armpit is hurting now!! im getting so upset about it, i just keep feeling my arm.

leanne xx :(

27-11-08, 00:18

I so empathize with you. I always feel like I am ill and it must be something horrible. I get nausea, weakness in my limbs, dizzy, tight throat and a host of other problems. I too do things like tell myself that tumors don't come and go. I keep journals so that I can go over my symptoms and assure myself that I have had symptoms in the past and nothing has come of them. Still my mind can't stop sometimes. I am having a terrible time right now wrestling with anxiety and I hope it goes away soon. Good luck.


27-11-08, 17:31
I get pains in my right arm. Its around my wrist when I bend it and the tops of my arms when I put it behind my back or move in a certain position. Im now convinced I have all signs of Motor Neurone Disease :-(