View Full Version : Need to Google

19-09-08, 09:20
I am typing this because I am so fed up of not knowing whats wrong with me I have an overwhelming urge to google..... I Know this is sooo the wrong thing to do as it will not doubt confirm all my cancer fears, I find it so hard to cope not knowing. I have been to docs and now have to have bloods and wait for results. All I can think is I have been poorly since July and if its serious it will just be getting worse and more life threatening. All I can think now is What if its.....this or that. I know I am poorly and its not just anxiety but WHAT IS IT... Oh I hate it when it gets like this. What do other people do to cope with the wait and see bit after going to the docs?

19-09-08, 09:34
Trust me when I say Anxiety is very serious and can make you very unwell.

Ask about councelling or medication, medication works best for me

19-09-08, 09:43
i am waiting for some test results also, they said it would take 3 weeks. can you believe that, 3 WEEKS!!!! its only been two days but i know exactly what you mean. DON'T use google, your just gonna make it so much worse. its just this awful panic and anxiety thats doing this to you.
i know its almost impossible to take your mind off of waiting for test results.
What helps for me is always having something going on in the background.
ill put on a comedy movie, something i've seen a hundred times and just let it play. that seems to take my mind off of waiting for a little bit. watching t.v. bloopers on youtube helps me too. during the day i go to this lake in the park by my house and feed sunflower seeds to the birds (i know that sounds funny but it works). going to the zoo helps also (i know im weird lol)
i hope any of this helps!!! i think your gonna be fine :) wish you the best

19-09-08, 09:59
Hi, thank you for your replies, Which test results are you waiting for? Hope they are all fine. I am baking today to take my mind of it all...Let me know how you get on with your tests xx

19-09-08, 10:03
i'm waiting for blood tests as well. baking sounds like a great idea!!! can't go wrong with anything that has to do with food :) anything with cheese for me lol :)

19-09-08, 12:12
Hi jannnne, i am also very sad today, i had a really bad night last night and havent come around from it yet. My chest is so heavy and when i breath in it hurts, all the muscles in the top on chest hurt and they wont send me for blood tests as its ' just acid reflux' i am so scared that they are just assuming that it is and all the time i could be getting really ill to the point that its terminal. Im just so so scared and so alone, so i know how you feel. Baking sounds like a great idea. I am at work so all i am doing is thinking :weep:


19-09-08, 12:15
Hi jannnne, i am also very sad today, i had a really bad night last night and havent come around from it yet. My chest is so heavy and when i breath in it hurts, all the muscles in the top on chest hurt and they wont send me for blood tests as its ' just acid reflux' i am so scared that they are just assuming that it is and all the time i could be getting really ill to the point that its terminal. Im just so so scared and so alone, so i know how you feel. Baking sounds like a great idea. I am at work so all i am doing is thinking :weep:


Do you get a terrible pain behind your sternum and sometimes through to your back?

19-09-08, 12:20
I dont get pain in my back but the pain is around my sternum and across my boobs and im so worried. xx

19-09-08, 12:34
HI Tash poor you, I am sorry you are having a bad time too. I really feel for you. My dentist has scared me to death today, said my glands were up but I should only worry if they don't hurt....Mine don't hurt my throat feels lumpy,Oh I feel sick now.

19-09-08, 12:38
I have an overwhelming urge to google.

Sounds like you are suffering from a psychological problem of being a "googleoholic".

19-09-08, 14:27
I shall limit my answer to MEDICATION
That sadly is the only thing that made all the problems you guys are going through stop.... Oh I wish I could make it go away for you.

It is true though keeping busy does seem to work a bit

I wish the best for you both

Oh and Tash if the Drs wont send you for bloods then that means that they are 100% sure your okies, trust me they would rather send you for a blood tests then get sued.

19-09-08, 14:29
Hello Joyce

Thanks for the reply, What do you take?

Love jane x

19-09-08, 15:57
Paroxetine an ssri

For many unknown reasons in most people with depression and anxiety our serotonin levels drop, this is a neurotransmitter in the brain essential for thoughts and mood.

With low levels you can feel like you are going out of your mind with silly thoughts and they are constant. it feels like your brain is always running.

Paroxetine is also very good for ocd

But you will need to talk to your DR about the diff types you can take.

They do have side affects but most only last 4 weeks and it's not best to be pregnant also you need to taper down when coming off as the body needs to adjust.
I will be on mine for life. still worried about wanting kids even though my dr said its ok

Good luck

19-09-08, 16:09
I dont get pain in my back but the pain is around my sternum and across my boobs and im so worried. xx

Do you feel as if you want to burp? Take some bicarbonate of soda (about 2 teaspoons full) in a cup of cold water. I suffer from over production of acid and I have to take Lansoprazole some times the pain is so bad it is as if I am having a heart attack. Do not worry it is something that many people get.

19-09-08, 16:20
No that whats worrying me I do feel bloated or like its indigestion at all, just this little cough in the morning, a little hoarse and like there is something stuck in my throat. my tummy did feel a little sore by my ribcage and I was a bit asthma breathless if you know what I mean.

Captain America
19-09-08, 16:37
cbt actually worked very well for me with health anxiety and googling. i haven't googled my symptoms in almost a week.

basically before googling i cbt my symptoms now. i have 'x'. my automatic thought is always, 'i have something terrible and i am dying'. i reframe the thought by asking myself if that is a fact. the answer is always no. i then ask myself how other people close to me might handle it, and try to do what they do.

it's hard at first but it's like the more you do it, the easier it gets. i have to admit though, at first it didn't work at all for health anxiety and i just used it for day to day stuff. in time i was able to use it for the health anxiety.

i have an issue right now, yet i have not and will not google it. i am following my doctor's advice. it's what he gets paid to do. also i've been realizing that the big stuff i fear is a lot more obvious than my symptoms show.

Captain America
19-09-08, 16:41
sorry submitted before adding i have the same symptoms. i saw my gastro about it just last night. he said reflux can go into the throat and lung while you're sleeping and create that breathless feeling. also i told him i don't have heartburn, that i had a big fatty pasta lunch and had no heartburn, but he said everyone presents differently and that it's the relaxation of the sphincter at night that is the problem. he's a smart dr....wrote all kinds of papers on the subject, even has a patent for some procedure or something of his.

now how can google or i be smarter than him?

19-09-08, 18:15
Hi Captain America,
BIG thank you for your reply, you are right I have had cbt too. My googling is a lot better and I am really trying hard just to listen to my GP, your doc sounds like a top man. Thanks for your support, I am going to get my cbt stuff out tonight and re-read it. You have made me feel like I can be more in control of this... thank you xxxx