View Full Version : Glands

19-09-08, 12:36
My dentist told me today I should only be worried about my glands being up if they don't hurt. Mine don't hurt and now I am terrifield that my problems are going to be throat cancer. Has anyone elses glands swollen up in there neck and not been painful but harmless, is he right ..should I be worried. I am terrified now.

Thanks xx

19-09-08, 12:50
Heya, i think you should go to the doctors today and just say you are getting worse and need to know whats going on. Regardless on waiting for bloods you cant sit there and be this sad over the weekend it will make you worse and you will just think about it. Why dont you ask the doctor to give you a ring even if you cant go in? My glands always feel enlarged but i guess not up, do you find you feel better when your out and about?


19-09-08, 13:02
Hi Jannnne, you know that going over and over it in your head isn't helping - we all do it, of course - but you're just winding yourself up. Perhaps make an appointment to see your GP as soon as you can to get yourself checked over and put your mind at ease, but until then, do something else, distract yourself (no googling), because worrying about it isn't going to make a difference one way or t'other. I know that's easier said than done - I tell myself the same thing all the time! I had swollen lymph nodes for ages with a viral thing recently - they hurt as they were going up or down but not always when they were just plain swollen. Most of them have gone back down now but I have a couple that are always bigger than the others and don't hurt (unless I poke and prod them loads like I did recently!). It's not unusual, apparently. You'll be fine, chuck :hugs:

19-09-08, 13:12
Yes, I do feel better when I am completely busy, which I know points to anxiety. But there is definitely something going on inside me, I hope it is only acid reflux but I am worried I may have been ingnoring these symptoms for longer and although I would not say I had a drink problem I have drunk half a bottle of wine a day for the last 20 years not to mention the fumes from hairspray, which I use quite a lot of. I suppose I have just gotten myself in a state I was quite happy thinking acid reflux but now after the dentist saying that I am thinking otherwise. Have rung my GP and they have said that I need to wait for the blood results and take things from there. Thank you for all your support... Hope you are feeling better soon too.

20-09-08, 12:03

is it just the one node thats come up or a few?

20-09-08, 20:14
a few on both sides of my neck, doc and dentist both said glands not gland urgh ....oh worry worry worry, I have felt sick with it all day.

20-09-08, 20:34
I had both glands up for four weeks without any pain whatsoever. I went to the doctors twice over it. They did a blood test and said that 'yes, I was fighting an infection and they'd go down eventually' and they did. Try not to worry hun!

20-09-08, 21:00
Oh thank you helen, that's just what I need to hear at the minute its funny how other peoples experiences can help with your own anxiety I felt my anxiety subside slightly as I read your reply big hugs xxxxxxxxxx

20-09-08, 21:00
Sorry for the double post but it wouldn't let me edit. I just wanted to mention on a similar topic...my daughter developed a rash and when the doctor examined her she noticed that her glands were slightly swollen--apparantly it is a common sign of a general viral infection even if the infection is not the throat. My daughter was not feeling any pain from them either. I think your dentist must be generaising horrendously.

I hope you feel better ASAP!

20-09-08, 21:05
Oh thank you helen, that's just what I need to hear at the minute its funny how other peoples experiences can help with your own anxiety I felt my anxiety subside slightly as I read your reply big hugs xxxxxxxxxx

Hugs you! You're very welcome. I hope you see my second post too and that it helps a little more.:hugs:

21-09-08, 13:35
I have one in my neck thats slightly enlarged, bu that I mean its bigger than the one on the other side of my neck. It's never grown and you can only feel it if you press on my neck, it never hurts and I'm still here :) though it worries me sometimes, rather like now.

21-09-08, 14:14

I have an enlarged one at the back of my left ear, its not painful ( unless i poke it and prod it which i don't do now )and i've had it for years, so if it was serious i dont think id be here right now. I did say to my doc and he felt it and wasn't concerned about it at all, he said that a lot of people have slightly enlarged glands. Try not too worry as im sure it's nothing serious xx

21-09-08, 18:18
Huge thank you to everyone for helping through this weekend, It really really has helpedxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

22-09-08, 07:49
Hi I have just found another gland swollen up on my left hand side of my neck. It is a lymph one quite big, this is also the side of my throat that is painful. I am so scared now and I just dont know how I am going to last tillthurs and I get my blood results. Would cancer show up in a full blood count test? Any tips on how to last out till Thursday welcome I just feel sick at the minute absolute panic:weep:

22-09-08, 08:22
Hey jannnne. A full blood count would show if your white blood cells levels were elevated or depressed. Lots of things can cause there to be abnormal numbers of white blood cells, it just gives the doctor a clue where to look next.
Remembering that I am absolutely not a doctor :), as I understand it: if your lymph nodes were swollen because of cancer they would swell slowly (over weeks/months, not days), become very large, rubbery and be painless. By that stage, you would be likely to have other symptoms like, with lymphoma, night sweats, fever, severe fatigue, rapid weight loss. Rapidly swelling nodes are an almost sure sign that your is body fighting an infection, usually a bacteria or a virus, or dealing with an injury like a cut. Even an insect bite can make your lymph nodes swell up.
When your blood tests results come back your doctor will act on them. If he/she has ANY indication that there is even the POSSIBILITY that you might have cancer, he/she WILL act. But you most likely haven't so, until then, try to relax. I know that that's easier said than done :).

22-09-08, 09:42
I have a gland up at the moment that doesn't hurt at all, it usually does hurt, I feel tired and really run down but I guess I am just fighting this virus that I have had forever and ever.

A blood test will reassure you.

22-09-08, 09:43
When did you have your test done? I always get told to wait a week but i ring up within 48 hrs and the receptionist always has the results for me, if there is a problem she just says the Dr wants to see me.

Why don't you ring and ask if they are back?

22-09-08, 09:48
Hello Libby

I only had it done on Friday, they said my result were due in on Tuesday, I am see doc 8.20 on Thursday. Its just when I put all my symptoms together and the fact its been going on since end of July I come to only one conclusion Cancer. I know I have thought I have been dying before and have never had anything serious but I just keep thinking this time this is it, its is going to be cancer. Do you think I should ask to be referred and should it be ENT or someone for acid reflux? What tests should I ask for? I just want to know now. The NHS can be great but I often feel the time it takes to find out what is wrong takes soooo long, all I can think of it spreading around my body. Oh I am sorry to rant on, I have got myself into a complete state again...I could ring on Tuesday afternoon, and see I almost dont want to know.

22-09-08, 09:58
If it were me id ring tuesday, then if the results are ok you will feel such a relief. My results are usually back within 24 hours so if i have a blood test on a friday i always have the results monday:-)

Then go to GP thursday for a chat about your symptoms, ask for a referal if you are concerned about your symptoms. I have a good relationship with my GP, he totally understands the way I think and I trust his judgement.

I know sometimes you hear of drs getting it wrong but that is very rare.

22-09-08, 10:03
Will do Libby, thank you. I am going to discuss my results with her. Then I am going tell her I am worried about Larynx and Throat cancer and that I need to be completely reassured and ask if she will refer me. Thank you for sorting through that ramble and helping come up with a plan.xxxx

22-09-08, 10:06
Anytime, I hope I have helped you.

15-10-08, 22:47
Hi how did you get on with your results? I reading through your comments and i almost thought it was my own diary entry from a few months back. I had a sore neck to begin with then due to the stress and worry i put myself and body under due to worry my glands had swollen slightly, which only made me EVEN worse. I went and had blood tests done and after numerous visits to A and E (for minor aches and pains, that i think my mind was almost playing tricks on me-anxiety) the bloods all came back clear.

I too thought the worse, after going on the net and searching, the internet is a useful tool but only in certain circumstances. Im sure you will be fine, try and keep positive.

16-10-08, 01:41
ive had this problem.. they dont really hurt much! ive had heaps of blood tests when i started having panic attacks and for australian immigration(they want to make sure im tottaly healthy) they havent found anything wrong with me! and my glans are always swollen :D

16-10-08, 01:44
:scared15: atleast i hope they my tests would have showed somthing now im starting to worry about my glands

16-10-08, 09:33
yeah your bloods would have indicated if there was something wrong. As i said, my bloods came back fine and it turned out that the doc thought i had health anxiety, i just let a small minor ache snowball out of control and all sorts of alements running through my head.

I feel much better in the nowledge that my bloods were fine and doctors know their stuff afterall.

16-10-08, 18:10
my glands on my neck are always swollen! thats due to glandular fever as i used to have it, and mine dont hurt either, glands dont always hurt, they come up randomly or because there fighting off an infection which could be just flu, sore throat or something else which is pretty much harmless, theres alot going about at the moment with the weather!
you havnt got anything to worry about, but if you are worrying go get some blood tests done for maybe glandular fever, thats not harmless unless you left it for a long time, and you'd know when its harmless cos its nasty looking! im pretty sure you dont have throat cancer sweet (: go to your doctor if you need to put your mind at rest though
hope i helped x