View Full Version : Stupid Me!!!!!

24-05-05, 09:17
Hi all - got a bee in my bonnet and gone and scared myself silly again. Sent Meg a PM last night and got some reassurance from her answer but - here I am this morning feeling the closest to a full on panic attack that I have felt for months!!!!!!

I learnt about Angina yesterday, and the symptoms of Angina exactly match what happened to me. My first attack came during exercise, second attack after a big lunch then an uphill walk. I still cannot exercise (managed 7 mins on the bike before my chest was tight and breathing eratic) - still get breathless walking up hill and breathless in the cold or wind. From what I have read on Angina, these are ALL classic symptoms. Added to that a tight throart feeling, pain between my shoulder blades (constantly) ans intermittant left arm pains I am now SO SCARED - even struggled with the school run again today:(

I had an ECG in February but had taken beta blockers for three days previously, could this have distorted the reading? My oxygen sturation was at 100% would this happen with Angina present?

Does anyone else suffer the same symptoms as me and absolutely rule out Angina?

I am so sorry to post like this but I feel as if a light bulb has been switched on in my head. I cannot think about anything else and as a result all of my symptoms are worse today.

Please help????

24-05-05, 09:39
Hi Angie,

yes i have had all those symptons at some point, im not medically qualified but i would not have thought that taking bete blockers would have changed the reading you either have it or not,

Iknow what its like once you have got those thoughts in your head but you must try and distract yourself from them you are fine you will be fine the more you think of these symptons the worse they will feel,

if you have just started exersizing thats prob all you will be able to manage without your heart rate raising straight away, i used to only be able to do 10 mins max when i first started, when your exersizing and your heart rate goes up dont be scared of it its good gettiing the blood flowing keep it up in a few weeks you will feel the benefit

hope this helps a bit

take care

kairen x

24-05-05, 10:40
hello Angie,

Your symptoms are those of anxiety and though they may also be those of Angina, I very much doubt that you have that. If the results of your ECG were fine, then you have nothing to worry about, beta blockers or no beta blockers..

Sarah :D

24-05-05, 10:48
Hi Angie,

I have also had these symptoms before. I found the more I worried about them, the worse they got. I dont get them as much now and Im quite strict on myself for deep breathing. This seems to have helped me.

Take care

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

24-05-05, 11:03
Hi Angie

I too have had pretty well all those symptoms at some point or other.

It put me off exercise for a few months and I particularly didn't like hills when walking incase I had a heart attack going up one. This has improved since I started exercising a bit more, I have done yoga for a couple of years now which is brilliant - but for helping with this side of things I'd recommend more in the way of aerobic exercise ie; to keep going with your bike slowly and concentrating on your keeping your breathing well paced (panicky breathing and exercise breathing may feel similiar but eventually you can tell the difference).

I know this is hard as when I first got my stepper I was so anxious using it at first that my pulse shot up and I think it was more that than unacustomed exercise. I got the stepper about 6 weeks ago and have kept it up as I'm having a little agoraphobic episode and don't not want to exercise.

Went I first started I could hardly reach the 50 repetitions and got very breathless (and panicky) and now I can do a 100 and barely get out of breath. I'm getting the benefit of it too as I've noticed when I'm out with the kids I'm feeling stronger physically and not getting out of breath so easily. Also I used to get little stabbing pains between my shoulder blades when I walked at too fast a pace because I was so unfit and now that doesn't happen.

My doctor recommended I take up jogging so he can't have been too worried eh? I won't, as I hate any exercise that has my boobs flying about but I get his point.

It's amazing how quickly you can improve your fitness levels and you don't need to go at it hammer and tongs - I approached my stepper cautiously (which involved a lot of thinking, planning, textbooks,eye contact and a hot flask) but because I can see its helping I want to continue and this is just the start!!

Lots of love
Piglet (the olympic stepper)[8D]

24-05-05, 11:11
Hi there,

I've had your symptoms and know how scary it can be. Having 100% oxygen is a classic sign of panic/anxiety.
Take care,

LJ x

24-05-05, 15:06
Angie, Let us know how you are doing later on please.

24-05-05, 17:19
Hey Angie,

Sorry to hear you are having bad day,let us know how you are feeling.

You've been such a great help to me this last few days, like to return the favour.

tracy x x

24-05-05, 19:27
Hiya all

Sanity has resurfaced and my "BLIP" [:I] has passed.

I guess I was in denial about my holiday and not addressing my needs and as a result it snuck up behind me and bit me on the bum[:O]

What a day, I have not felt like I did today for two months. The good news however is after my early afternoon panic attack, I did recover in record speed and am back happy and positive this evening (if not a little tired).

I called the doctors today and asked for a phone consultation this evening... they declined... I cried and hyperventilated ... they accepted
:( and arranged to call me at 5.45pm. However after making the appointment, I had a call from an Angel (you know who you are[:X]) whom within 15 minutes had talked me down. My afternoon went from strength to strength, the other symptoms that I expected to follow the attack did not arrive and as a result I was able to call the doctors at 5pm and cancel the phone appointment.

You guys are all so great, I do have issues still to address after my hols, I need to address my thought patterns, need to reduce my vino habbit and need to start exercising to really believe that I am not going to keel over every time my heart gets a work out!

Sorry to post in a panic fashion - thank you all for being here:)

24-05-05, 20:05
Glad to hear you are feleing better Angie!! :D

24-05-05, 22:32
Glad you are feeling better tonight Angie.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

24-05-05, 23:11
Hi Angie

Well done for getting through it and know how hard it is. It was a blip and you know you can get through them.

You have done really well today and a positive attitude helped you through it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.