View Full Version : Any tips to stop nervous nausea?

Lisa D
19-09-08, 15:01
Hey dudes.
I'm off to Florida tomorrow for a week to face my fears of going away from home (part of my anxiety probs) and fly long haul for the first time. Everytime I get really nervous about something I get a real bad upset stomach and just general feel like I'm going to vomit all the time, meaning I can't eat etc etc. Was wondering if anybody here knows any good tips to stop this nausea? It gets so bad that I feel like if I speak at any given time or open my mouth I could just be sick. Its horrible! Obviously I don't want to go on holiday because of my anx but the whole point in my going is to try and face my fears of travelling- if I could beat the nausea the whole thing would be so much easier.

Any help would be great- I'm gettin a bit desperate seen as I've got a whole day to get through before I set off to the airport and I'm getting symptoms this early!!!!

19-09-08, 15:41
Hi Lis,
there is a tablet which i take called stemetil (5mg). When i was recently going through a bad period of anxiety i was extremley nauseous all the time. I found that forcing myself to eat a little bit of toast or cereal eased it a little bit but it still wouldnt go away. Then my auntie gave me a stemetil to try and it took it off within ten minutes. My doctor now prescribes me them although i dont find that i neeed them that much a lately. They are also used to stop dizziness which i found very useful.
Whatever you decide to do.............ENJOY FLORIDA x:yesyes:

Lisa D
19-09-08, 15:52
Thank you for the reply :o)
I've been considering meds for nausea but since I fly tomorrow I can't get to the GP to get anything like that. I work in a pharmacy so I'm gonna take a trip to see my pharmacist and see if she reckons Motillium 10 would help with nausea from nerves.
I'll try and enjoy it!! :o) I'm looking forward to shopping, and since I've never been to America, just looking around and soaking up the atmosphere. I hear the TV is hilarious to watch too, dodgy TV adverts we'd never get in Britain etc etc. Hehe. Thanks again

19-09-08, 15:54
Hi Lisa,

I am sure your vacation will be great! Florida is a pretty cool place :)

One of the keys for facing your fears effectively and overcoming them is to actually be ready to accept them and allow your self time to recover....as odd as it sounds. Try not to be afraid of the fact that you will be nocious, accept it and do your best to move on, don't let it stop you! I try not to anticipate the things that I am afraid of, it just makes it worse. I am sure that you've head this a thousand times but the more you think about something like this the worse it becomes.

Anyway, I try to live by those rules and have found that they are very effective in overcoming anxiety, although it does take time and persistence. One other thing is not to let setbacks throw you off the course you've taken.

Enjoy your vacation and don't worry about a thing!

19-09-08, 16:12

Something you might try is when you get to check-in, inform them that you suffer from 'Acute' anxiety and therefore are extremely nervous. Again say this to the stewards when you board.

You may find, depending on which airline you are flying with and how friendly the stewards are, that the word will get around and you may be given some preferential treatement and attention! The aircrew would rather you are well looked after and relaxed rather that have you panicking for the whole of the journey. It is within their interest to do so.

Worth a try.

Have a good time.
