View Full Version : Hi Everyone

19-09-08, 18:04
Hi Everyone. I'm Lynne. I've been a sufferer of severe depression, anxiety attacks and paranoia for a few years now. I've been assessed and diagnosed with Bipolar tendancies - although not classed as a full bipolar sufferer.

I currently take 20mg of Escitalapram each day and zoplicone(sp) sleeping tablets for my bad days.

At the moment my bad times are few and far between and I came across this site whilst searching for info with regards to my medication. My doctor has informed me that I'll be on my tablets for most of my life. I guess I've come to terms with this now. I prefer to feel relatively normal even if it does mean swallowing tablets on a daily basis.

Its good to see lots of members on here who share the same problems. I look forward to getting to know you and sharing my lows and highs with you all.

My one "hate" in life is people who tell me to pull myself together and be greatful I'm not in a wheelchair or have a serious illness and to be thankful I'm alive.
Sometimes I do wish I was in a wheelchair or had something visible to show I have a serious illness.

But I am beating this thing at the mo and have been back at work fulltime since May of this year.

19-09-08, 18:49
Hi Lynne

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find many people on here who will understand how you feel.

Take care


20-09-08, 01:31
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

20-09-08, 22:44
Hiya, :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here with us.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.

20-09-08, 23:09
Hi Lynne,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined.

I also find it so annoying that a lot of people do not seem to take panic/anxiety/depression etc. as being 'serious' and also just don't understand how much that they can take over you life!!

It's great to hear that you've been back at work full-time from May. :yesyes:

Best wishes xx :bighug1: :bighug1:

milly jones
24-09-08, 16:15
a warm :welcome: to nmp

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xxxx:blush:

24-09-08, 22:30

:welcome: to nmp

jodie xx