View Full Version : Another newbie

19-09-08, 18:48
Hi all.
I had never suffered with any form of anxiety and I am still trying to figure out if that is what it is.

My problems started when I lost four young family members in quick succession, over an 18 month period.

I believed I would die before this summer but it has gone and I am thankfully still here but suffering a lot.

Three months ago I had what I thought was a severe asthma attack - I have suffered from Asthma since I was a child so I KNEW I couldn’t breath because I was having an attack, already on antibiotics because of a chest infection, I had to get myself some help.
I went down to the doctors, they checked my oxygen saturation levels and they were 98% so nothing wrong there, I had been put on the nebuliser but I could feel myself overdosing.
The doctor put it down to a panic attack, in all fairness from my stats I knew it couldn’t be my asthma but since then I have suffered from constant chest pain and breathlessness.

I went back after a couple of weeks when I was no better, she told me my lungs were perfectly healthy and wasn’t willing to listen, I told her whatever it was it needed treating, she told me I had a panic attack, mentioned Fibromyalgia but there was nothing she could do if it was that.

I changed doctors, and had to go to see him because the other doctor had changed my asthma medication and I wanted my old ones back only to be told I should walk down to the grave yard, many would be willing to swap with me.

So obviously I would never broach this anxiety/panic subject with him or any other doctor.
So at the moment, I really haven’t got a clue what is happening to me.

19-09-08, 19:25
hiya and welcome to nmp, you will find loads of great advice and support here and meet new friends too. hugs xxx

19-09-08, 20:18
Hi Roughdiamond

Welcome to NMP!

I think you should speak to your new doctor regarding this because one way or another, you have to know what happened to you and why. If it was a panic attack then your last doctor should have explained exactly what it meant and how you can move on from it.

Very best of luck and i hope you find some answers


19-09-08, 20:33
Hi roughdiamond and welcome to the site. Sorry to hear your doctors have been less than understanding Im sure NMP can help you out with plenty of this : )

19-09-08, 21:24
Hi Roughdiamond,

Welcome to the NMP family! :o)

Sorry to hear about your experiences, and that the doctors have not been understanding. I've had similar experiences with GPs, and I changed GP (I have an amazing GP now!)

I know it might seem like hassle, but might be worth trying a new GP. Maybe your local mental health associations (not sure if you have a MIND office in your area) will know which GPs are would be best able to help you.

In the meantime, I hope that you are able to get lots of valuable support from this website. :-)

20-09-08, 01:30
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

20-09-08, 06:54
Thank you for the warm welcome. :)

20-09-08, 13:06

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find lots of good advice and support on here but I also think you should talk to your doctor about how you feel.

Take care


20-09-08, 22:39
Hiya, :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here with us.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
Im so so sorry about the loss of your family members.
I can relate to your feeling as i myself lost 3 family members in 12 months ( 2 of them were 3 wks apart and very sudden)
The grief and the stress that came after was so great for all my family
i ended up haveing anxiety depression and stress
being a member of this site has helped me so much and i hope it can be helpful to you also

take care,

milly jones
24-09-08, 15:50
a warm :welcome: to nmp

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xxxx:blush:

11-10-09, 07:29

Hello all, I lost the site for a long time but then a nice mod sent a PM to everyone and I found my way back. :yesyes:

Eventually I went to see another doctor after I self diagnosed h. pylori and possible hernia, the doctor was having none of it since “panic attack” had hit my records but she did at least “humour” me and sent me to the hospital….where indeed it WAS confirmed I had active H-pylori and was given triple therapy, massive doses of antibiotics and antacids.

That solved 80% of my problems when I went back after more testing they found I DID have a hiatus hernia, so on that day when I simply could not breath it was not a panic attack, part of my stomach had popped into my chest and that is why I couldn’t breath.

I found the whole experience disgraceful, what help is out there for us medically, even if I’d of stayed with the initial diagnosis of a panic attack and not persuaded it through research there still would have been no help.

I feel we are all so blessed having the internet and groups like this - take care all.:flowers: