View Full Version : Thanks

19-09-08, 22:03
I have asked for help once on here, and all i get is go and get my ears syringed ! thanks for your post who ever sent that, i do mean thanks, because at least you could be bothered to help !

19-09-08, 22:14
hey sarah come on thats abit harsh hun, different people come on here at different times and not all can help with your problem. have a little patience and people will reply. hugs hun and i hope u manage to sort it out xx

19-09-08, 23:04
hi Sarah, I think that people tend to pick things that they know about or can relate to and they might not have been anyone in here at the time who did. I've posted a new thread at times and not had any responses, but other times have had responses - just depends on thread topic, who's around etc. I don't take it personally either way. Donna's right, give the peeps a chance and they will help you out :)

19-09-08, 23:08
Well a special hello from me to you! THere are lots of cool people on here that do care. Don't give up. Try the chat line for instant communication.

20-09-08, 00:16
Thanks folks, just a down day, i do apolagise, sincerely x just felt alone all day

20-09-08, 00:21
Sending ya a hug Sarah :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

We all have down days hun so dont worry.

Tomorrows a new day Sarah and hopefully a better one for us all.:)
