View Full Version : Help Please?

20-09-08, 03:18
My boyfriend for about 2 years broke up with me 2 weeks ago. This has thrown me into a complete mental break down i can't help but think about what i did wrong because the break up was so sudden. He helped me get through my anxiety attacks but now hes gone and dosn't want to talk to me period. I am at college so when i went home i felt like everything reminded me of him so the same day i went back to college but started feeling homesick. I am just so confused and feel completely on edge of a complete mental break down. any ideas?

20-09-08, 03:43
Klerman, have a hug :hugs:. Sorry you're going through a tough emotional time. We've all been there; it hurts and it's horrible but you will get through it. Now's when you need your friends and family - don't be afraid to lean on the people who care about you. Bend their ears and let them help you through this. It might also help to talk to someone objective, like a counsellor, counselling should be available through your college? When I broke up my 13 year relationship earlier this year I spent hours and hours walking around the hills and crying and talking to my mum and my sister and my friends. Sometimes all at the same time! So hard, still working on it, but getting there. I know it's awful but be kind to yourself, look for support and give it time - you will get through it :).

20-09-08, 07:06
sorry to hear your having a bad couple of weeks. something good will come of this, just hang in there! i know anxiety makes it ten times worse but you will get through it! :)