View Full Version : Silly Thing To Do

Purple Fish
20-09-08, 09:27
Hey Everyone!

Some of you can probably relate to this. Not sure if any of you saw the program that I watched last night on Discovery Home & Health? It was called Mystery Diagnoses. I`m so glad I didn`t watch it a few months ago when I was feeling awful cos this would have tipped me over the edge!
It had a young woman who couldn`t fall pregnant, she had no periods and started getting frequent migraines (I`ve had the odd one) fuzzy vision, tiredness and dizziness (I`ve had slight dizziness on and off). The doc put it down to stress and put her on anti-depressants which didn`t help her. Eventually she insisted on a MRI scan and they found a benign tumour in her brain which was pressing on her pituatary (I don`t think it`s spelt like that! lol) gland and so effecting her hormones.
Well my alarm bells went off! I felt sick I suddenly got a funny taste in my mouth! I`m having hormone problems it`s my PMS kicking in more now that I`ve got older. Oh and I went through a stage of thinking I`d got a brain tumour due to my dizziness! I`ve been seeing my doc for some time and I know I have Post Traumatic Stress and this is what causes my symptoms, (not a bloody brain tumour). Even so the stupid program sh*t me up and I cried myself to sleep last night. I do feel better this morning though but I can`t help thinking if I should mention how I felt to my doctor? He wouldn`t give me a MRI scan just to put my mind at rest would he?
I was doing so well!!

Purple Fish xx :scared15:

20-09-08, 09:36
Hey purple fish, I haven't seen the programme you mention but it sounds like exactly the type that us Health Anxer's should stay away from! Probably everyone in here has experienced symptoms of an illness or disorder that they've just read about or seen on TV. You know it doesn't mean you have it... :)

20-09-08, 13:04
Hi Purple Fish

Being a health anxiety worrier I don't watch any programmes related to health issues coz they make me worry big time. I am sure you have nothing like the woman on TV and like you I have very similar symptoms due to hormones and anxiety.


20-09-08, 16:43
hey..the program sounds scary i would of been freekin 2 as i always think i have a brain tumour..but you know your stress is through post traumatic stress so you know in a way that yours is definatly stress. whereas the girl on televison just got told it was stress...if u get my drift..hope that helps..tc xxxxx

20-09-08, 17:02
Hey Everyone!

Some of you can probably relate to this. Not sure if any of you saw the program that I watched last night on Discovery Home & Health? It was called Mystery Diagnoses. I`m so glad I didn`t watch it a few months ago when I was feeling awful cos this would have tipped me over the edge!
It had a young woman who couldn`t fall pregnant, she had no periods and started getting frequent migraines (I`ve had the odd one) fuzzy vision, tiredness and dizziness (I`ve had slight dizziness on and off). The doc put it down to stress and put her on anti-depressants which didn`t help her. Eventually she insisted on a MRI scan and they found a benign tumour in her brain which was pressing on her pituatary (I don`t think it`s spelt like that! lol) gland and so effecting her hormones.
Well my alarm bells went off! I felt sick I suddenly got a funny taste in my mouth! I`m having hormone problems it`s my PMS kicking in more now that I`ve got older. Oh and I went through a stage of thinking I`d got a brain tumour due to my dizziness! I`ve been seeing my doc for some time and I know I have Post Traumatic Stress and this is what causes my symptoms, (not a bloody brain tumour). Even so the stupid program sh*t me up and I cried myself to sleep last night. I do feel better this morning though but I can`t help thinking if I should mention how I felt to my doctor? He wouldn`t give me a MRI scan just to put my mind at rest would he?
I was doing so well!!

Purple Fish xx :scared15:

nothing to worry about i cant get pregnant