View Full Version : where are you all from?...

20-09-08, 14:52
just wondered where you are all from, looking to find if theres anyone near me...
this might sound weird, i alwasys look to see if i can see anyone who looks like they are panicking...would love a "real life" friend who understands and is currently going thru the same...everyone who was suffered panic attacks say they are over them now, makes me feel a failure after nearly 10 years of it!

Cathy V
20-09-08, 15:01
Hi again laura...:wacko: well im from liverpool origionally, moved away at 18 and lived in wales, then in the midlands for best part of 26 years and now live in germany with my new fella.

My panics are not so frequent these days i have to say, but i do still have them sometimes and they still have the power to scare me silly because they are so physical, but thankfully very seldom now. My main anx symptom is wonky heartbeats, skipped beats, but again ive learned to live with them and this site has helped with that so much. Hope we can help you too.

Small steps
Take care
Cathy xxx :)

20-09-08, 15:04
i am a londoner but now live in gloucestershire and love it, pleased to meet u and welcome to nmp. hugs xxxx

20-09-08, 19:14
Im in the United states. Not anywher near most people here =:P

20-09-08, 20:19
:welcome: :welcome: to nmp. Im from newcastle and live on the northumberland coast.
Hope you find the help you need here...take care xx
:hugs: :hugs:

20-09-08, 21:06
i don't live close to you (i'm on the west coast of the United States) but i wanted to say hi anyway and hope your feeling better:)

20-09-08, 21:24
I'm from a village near Wellingborough in Northamptonshire famous for making Dr Marten boots.

20-09-08, 21:27
Cornwall, but Cardiff for uni

nic x
20-09-08, 21:44
newcastle, were u? i wud luv a friend who understands and could cum shopping with me, i have to go 2moro and im dreading it!!!!!!!

21-09-08, 10:36
I'm down in Bath in Somerset, love it here :)

21-09-08, 11:36

Originally from Kent (Dartford), then moved to Paris for 4 years, followed by 4 years in London, 8 years in Brighton, and then the past 3 months in Vietnam... was flown back 3 weeks ago due to my health, so hoping to overcome all of this and get back to Vietnam soon. If not, my other half will move over here to the UK.

21-09-08, 12:42
hiiii...im from warrington...where are you from?? xx tc xx:yesyes:

21-09-08, 13:15

I'm from Essex.


21-09-08, 13:17
hi im in birmingham

21-09-08, 13:27
West Yorkshire :) .


21-09-08, 14:41

I always wonder if anyone around me is feeling panicky (this is when I'm panicky myself, when I'm not I don't even think about it) - never seems to be anyone though...

I'm from beautiful downtown Colchester Essex. Where are you from??

21-09-08, 15:52
I'm from Carlisle, Cumbria in England. Its near Scotland and the lake district :winks:. Nice Place

21-09-08, 17:08

22-09-08, 22:27
Im from Port Talbot in South Wales. Most people refer to it as Port Toilet because it tends to smell due to our Steel Works:roflmao: . I love it here though and we have the most amazing beach.

22-09-08, 22:36
Hi there, i live in Barnsley, South Yorkshire. Where are you from?

22-09-08, 22:38
Llanelli south wales i am always looking for new friends maybe go cycling or shopping (i hate shopping on my own) i suffer with anxiety and panics and bad spelling :) :whistles:

Hey bunnie, i could go shopping with you sometime if you want? We would probably spend the whole time laughing at each other on how ridiculous we are! (or probably freak each other out even more):roflmao:

22-09-08, 22:49
hi there im from sunny southend in essex, amd your not alone there, i look for other people too and i always try to look for people (especially when im at the train station) that i could ask for help if my attacks get too bad,havnt had to yet but i worry so much that i people will think im weird trying my techniques to calm myself :)

23-09-08, 11:04
hi i am from leicester xx

23-09-08, 13:11
i am from the us too. it seems like hardly no one on here is from the USA.

23-09-08, 13:36
I'm a londoner innit...

Tina A
23-09-08, 14:23
I've been all over - my Dad was on the RAF so we went wherever they sent us - bit these days I live in Cambridge which I love...:)

jacqui doll
23-09-08, 15:10

I'm from coleraine, Northern Ireland.


23-09-08, 15:11
im from ayrshire in scotland i would love a fellow panicker to go out with xxx

23-09-08, 16:00
I live in Carmarthenshire in Wales.
Where do you live. ?

23-09-08, 16:49
Another Essex girl , Benfleet which is not far from Southend :D


23-09-08, 20:02
Im from Manchester :D

Donna 1978
24-09-08, 10:55
I'm in Norwich, Norfolk!

But am an Essex girl at heart!!

24-09-08, 10:59
Im from kilmarnock
the most boring place ever.

24-09-08, 12:14
I live in Blyth, Northumberland

Natural Mystic
25-09-08, 12:32
*stands up and takes a bow*

Hi, my name is Nicky and I since January 08 I have suffered from anxiety .. and all the symptoms that go with it. :whistles:

Great forum, makes me feel I'm not alone :yahoo:

26-09-08, 21:28
I live all the way down in Devon, I am guessing not the sam e as you.

26-09-08, 21:48
Near Liverpool.

jacks 6
26-09-08, 21:49
im from alloa in scotland.

26-09-08, 22:03
im from manchester but live in glasgow - so leeg and jha you are not far from me

26-09-08, 22:09
Southampton Hampshire:D

Kaz x

celia davies
26-09-08, 22:35
Well im from the dudley area in west midlands is that near u?
ur not alone im still suffering from panic attacks 9 years so far i hate it,u can always mail me if u want 2 talk more im always here ur never alone xx

26-09-08, 23:51
i am from widnes in cheshire-- very near liverpool. where are you laura??

29-09-08, 01:35
I live in the USA, equal distance from both New York City and Philadelphia.

I'm close to the Amish.

One might think that they were in the UK, however, when you would read the town names in the area: Bath, Reading, Lancaster, York, New South Wales, Somerset, Kensington, Darby, Exton, Swathmore, Devon, etc. just to name a few that come to mind!

05-10-08, 09:33
thanks for your replies everyone! i stay in renfrewshire ( about 20 mins from glasgow in scotland) x

06-10-08, 07:24
I,m in South Shields and know full well the horrors of panic attacks! As nasty as they are I think I,ve learnt now to accept them for what they are and wait for them to subside as opposed to making them worse by panicking more. x

07-10-08, 16:08
Hi panicky groovers.. fellow anxious dude Sue from Enfield in Middlesex aka Catwoman!
