View Full Version : Got The Dreaded Letter Today.....

20-09-08, 15:53
:mad: Thanks Postie

The letter came today:lac:

Got to ring the hospital on Monday to make appt to see consultant about having 13 teeth out under sedation:weep:

Anyone else had lots of teeth out at once:shrug:

Or been sedated for any reason.....what do they do, whats it like:shrug:

The panic is rising already:scared15:

Kaz x:hugs:

20-09-08, 16:20
Hiya hun .......

Will be thinkin of you .....I have been sedated which I told you about hun in previous posts and you will be fine ....Please let me know how u get on .

Its natural m8 2 get anxious about hospital even if u dont suffer with anxiety ...xxx

I wish you al the best x

Big hugs xx:bighug1:

Titch x

20-09-08, 16:55
I was sedated three times for teeth out. First time ONE molar, second time one wisdom tooth and third time, one wissy and one molar.

In my personal experience, i have nothing but extreme love for sedation. I LOVE IT! There is nothing bad about it at all. I am terribly phobic of everything. Drugs, feeling drunk, DENTISTS.... The thing about sedation is that you feel drunk, minus the sickness. You feel extremely happy, no cares, no worries, nothing. As they adminster the drugs (into the back of your hand), you feel as if you are going under, but you are too relaxed to give a crap.

The only thing i noticed was a headache after, not that bad, just bad enough to take a pain killer.

Seriously though....it is perfectly fine :)


20-09-08, 17:00
Hi Kazzie,

I had 15 teeth out in oen go when I was 10, was just lerft with my front and a couple at the back. I brought 4 of them home to keep Lol

I was sedated when I had my knee done and my teeth out. They just inject your hand and you dont feel anyhting and soon you know it, your awake again. The water they put into it to test was really cold Lol They will give you a seditive if your that bad. I had vailum as I refused which was quick to work and made no fuss over the otehr stuff going in.

It does leave you with a brused hand! I have a bad one still from nearly 5 weeks ago. Lol

Hope it goes ok for you.
Thinking of you.
Nikk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

20-09-08, 17:08
Hi Kazzi

I was sedated when I had my wisdom teeth out and I can honestly say I didn't feel a thing I just remember asking the dentist if it was all over and felt a bit like I was drunk and tired after it.


20-09-08, 17:18
Hi Kazzie,
you did so well on your last visit, you took that first big step and made everyone proud of you.
I would consider recieving this letter as your second big step (i'm guessing you didnt hypernentilate at the mere sight of the letter, No? Well done!)
The sooner you take that third step and phone the hospital the better.
Get it out of the way.
I think i mentioned last time that my bezzie mates work in a dental surgery and are trained in sedation. They assure me that it is very safe and you will be awake (which is good) but highly sedated throughout the procedure, therefore you wont have a clue what is happening. Infact you will probably have quite a laugh about it. My friend who also uses this site as a terrible fear of dentist (anything medical) but she swears by sedation and she now as regular visits to the dentist. She even has sedation for a scale and polish!
I know that my words will probably be of little comfort but i hope it gives you some encouragement. Well done and good luck!

20-09-08, 18:06
Thank you all so much:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

And all your words are of great comfort believe me:hugs:

Im feeling a bit better now.....will let you know on Monday when the appt is for:weep:

Dunno what Id do without you all:D

Kaz x x x:hugs:

20-09-08, 18:15
Hi Kazzie

Your always a inspiration to us all hun:hugs: . You have achieved so much over the last couple of years:yesyes: .

I hope you can get the appointment through soon(you probably wont though:ohmy: ) is better than sat about worrying though isnt it? Your a very brave lady and im proud of ya !

P.s. why cant postmen bring good news, like a lovely BIG lottery cheque !!:mad:

20-09-08, 20:04
Hi Kazzie

I had my wisdom teeth out under sedation and it was great!! Try not to worry too much, Good Luck.


20-09-08, 21:48
Let us know how you get on when you ring mate. :yesyes: :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

22-09-08, 13:19
Thank you all:hugs:

So I phoned and they have lost my referall letter, so now I have to wait while they ring my dentist and get a copy faxed!!!!!:mad:

They reckon they will ring me this afternoon

Thing is we call the receptionist at the dentist "brain dead" cos she is so thick......cant see them getting any fax if its up to her:lac:

Now Im sat in limbo.......

Kaz x x x:hugs:

22-09-08, 13:39
Oh m8 what a pain .....:mad:

Give them another ring if u dont hear anything ........

Let us know what happens m8 xx

22-09-08, 14:10
aaarrghhhh i have to go to the dentist too pooping myself lol best of luck kazzie before you know it itll be over and done with

Pooh xxx

22-09-08, 14:21
yeah was sedated when I had teeth out, was ace, just feels like you are a bit drunk & sleepy! Good luck, don't blame you for being scared I would be too but honestly, will be fine. :) xx

22-09-08, 17:22
Im Fuming:mad: :mad: :mad:

A whole day of stress and guess what???

They dident have my refferal letter because they had sent it back to my dentist as they dont deal with nervous patients its a seperate dept so now I have to sit and wait all over again for another letter:mad:

Been 6 weeks since Ive had a descent meal now and still no end in sight:weep:

Feeling very sorry for myself now:weep:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

22-09-08, 17:30
Just sending you a huge hug Kazzie xxxxxxxx

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

N xx

Granny Primark
22-09-08, 19:52
kazzie what a nightmare for you.
No wonder your stressed.
I really do feel for you. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

22-09-08, 21:22
Thank you all:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

22-09-08, 22:19
I must be wierd because I love being put under anesthesia. It is a trip to wake up one second later and know that hours have passed. I have had at least 7 major surgeries. the anesthesia is one thing I looked forward to each time. Good luck

23-09-08, 00:32
Hugs for you Kaz :hugs: I hope you don't have to wait too long to hear.

Karen xx

23-09-08, 18:27
Nice to have a special dept for nervous folk though Kaz and I think I would rather wait to go there because they will be understanding etc.

Hang on in there our kid. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-09-08, 20:49
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Hugs for you Kazzie!


23-09-08, 22:23
Awwww thanks everyone:hugs:

Piglet the wait for this one is shorter but I dont do waiting lol:roflmao:

Just want it over and done with and a nice steak and chips:yesyes:

Thanks again and will let you know when the next dreaded letter arrives!!!!

Kaz x x x:hugs: