View Full Version : Which kind of illness is the most feared?

20-09-08, 21:03
I personally have a list of things, but they are mostly connected to my brain or head in general. For example, aneurysm, brain tumor, brain abscess etc. I tink this is because they can happen suddenly and be fatal.

But I do also worry about cancer.

What about everyone else?


20-09-08, 21:08

Pretty much the same and a few others too, I focus on one and when I have just got over that one another crops up :doh:.

Sometimes media things don't help like if I read in a newspaper or mag or see something on the tv I get a heightened awareness and it sets me off.

These things are sent to try us eh?

C x

20-09-08, 21:15

My own personal fear is anything that would require me to go to hospital. That scares me more than anything- including passing out or dying. Because I am agoraphobic and have never left my town for 2 years I would go mad if I were forced out. It is a recurring dread that I have.

All the best


20-09-08, 21:27
anything with the brain and heart for me, maybe just death in general!

20-09-08, 21:51
For me, brain or heart. At the moment it's the heart.... got some ECG tests coming up in the week. Fingers crossed!

20-09-08, 22:03
Why do members of this board assume that brain tumours are fatal? All the time I read on here of members worrying about getting a brain tumour and dying, perhaps if they are worrying about getting these things they should read up about them. There are a 100 types.

21-09-08, 01:39
Trixie's right of course. What we're all ultimately scared of is dying, so we're scared of anything that we think might cause us to die, and we think that brain tumour is one of those things. Brain tumour, cancer, heart defects or disease, degenerative neurological disease - these are the things that we worry about the most because they affect the most crucial, vulnerable parts of our bodies (in the case of the brain, the centre of our conciousness). I think to some extent this is natural and instinctive - if our ancestors weren't good at risk assessment, and didn't worry about protecting themselves from harm, we wouldn't be here now. But some of us worry about it in the absence of real danger, and to a degree where it becomes detrimental to our quality of life, and to our health. If we could actually stop worrying enough to think clearly, proper research on these illnesses and disorders would find that the reality not as bleak as we imagine, as Trixie says. I want to try harder, because I don't want to spend my life worrying about the manner of my death. I want to trust that, with medical assistance where necessary, my body will be able to cope with most illness or injury, and that it will tell me if there is something really wrong, so I don't have to constantly search for symptoms, or project illnesses onto the benign symptoms that I have. Well, I'll try anyway :flowers:

21-09-08, 19:42
I don't know about anyone else but I also lack faith in the NHS.
Which doesnt help because i tell myself they'd miss anything that was wrong with me.

21-09-08, 21:29
going blind and anything that causes me to die!

21-09-08, 21:48
For me its meningitis, I do worry about cancer but for me its always been mainly meningitis, not sure why really.

Cathy V
21-09-08, 21:55
I would have to say heart disease/attack because of the ectopics and flutters, but they dont hold the same fear now as they once did, simply because of the years that ive had them and im still here!

Cathy xxx :)

22-09-08, 00:17
Cancer for me.
I don't know why, it just seems to scare me more than anything else.

22-09-08, 00:23
I don't know about anyone else but I also lack faith in the NHS.
Which doesnt help because i tell myself they'd miss anything that was wrong with me.

fully agree

22-09-08, 08:23
Cancer is my big fear and dying, and death and what happens etc... it is an absolute fear. I am silly though because I waste so much of my time worrying about death and being ill, god know what I would do if I was ill, I really don't think I would cope very well at all.

22-09-08, 08:31
Cancer is my big fear and dying, and death and what happens etc... it is an absolute fear. I am silly though because I waste so much of my time worrying about death and being ill, god know what I would do if I was ill, I really don't think I would cope very well at all.

No one knows how they would cope.

I know someone who had a serious form of cancer and she was as bright as a button always laughing and joking and full of fun.

Someone else I know went off to uni and although has to have regular checks to see if the tumour has grown is having a wonderful time.

I have a brain tumour and I hardly think about it (until I am waiting for my MRI results) I have more exciting things to think about (such as will the bloke I fancy finally ask me out?) :D

22-09-08, 08:50
Why do members of this board assume that brain tumours are fatal? All the time I read on here of members worrying about getting a brain tumour and dying, perhaps if they are worrying about getting these things they should read up about them. There are a 100 types.

Hey there,
That's the problem with health anxiety, we fear the worst and that would mean that If we were to get a brain tumor it would be a fatal type..... Silly I know but that seems to be how it works with health anxiety.:blush:

I am sorry that you have an actual health problem and your here reading that we are scared we might, I know you think "god what a waste of time" Health anxiety is a disease, it's a mental problem that I feel should get more attention and media as most people think we should just stop being stupid and get over it, AS if I would do this to myself on purpose!! yuck no way.

I hope you are well trixie, good luck with that guy you fancy!!

22-09-08, 09:05
weirdly enough for me, I fear cancer but I fear dying less.

I just think of it as having as going to sleep and not waking up again.

22-09-08, 09:20
I'v always worried about my health but since my son was born two years ago i worry even more.
Before, i worried for myself but now i worry for my son.
If i died from an illness or an accident then I would be gone but my little boy would be left without his mummy. The thought of this cuts me two!
I can sometimes get very emotional thinking that he would not remember me and would never know how much he was loved and wanted. How much i adored him and how he lit up my world. I keep saying that i am going to write some journals for him to read when he gets older so that if i am not around to tell him, he will know how special he was to me. But then i worry that i am tempting fate!!
Listen to me ranting on!

Yeah, i am not so much scared of dying or been ill, but scared of leaving the people i love or having them see me suffer.

22-09-08, 12:11
Hey there,
That's the problem with health anxiety, we fear the worst and that would mean that If we were to get a brain tumor it would be a fatal type..... Silly I know but that seems to be how it works with health anxiety.:blush:

I am sorry that you have an actual health problem and your here reading that we are scared we might, I know you think "god what a waste of time" Health anxiety is a disease, it's a mental problem that I feel should get more attention and media as most people think we should just stop being stupid and get over it, AS if I would do this to myself on purpose!! yuck no way.

I hope you are well trixie, good luck with that guy you fancy!!

I do appreciate that members of this section cannot help how they feel but I am sure it would make them feel less anxious if they read up about their fear rather than fearing the worse. My daughter suffers from OCD, agoraphobia, social paranoia, insomnia and anxiety and has hardly left the house in 5 years. Fortunately she doesn't worry about her health. So even if I did have a tendency to worry about my health I couldn't because I have to be strong for my children.