View Full Version : I'm such an idiot.

21-09-08, 00:47
So I've had this tiny white spot on my gum for 2 days, it's very small, and doesn't hurt much, and me being me I've gotten all worked up about it. I know I'm not helping it heal by constantly poking it with my tongue, but I can't stop obsessing over it.
I had another spot on my gum about a month ago but it went within a few days.
My Mum looked at it, said she could barely see it and of course it's nothing to worry about, but I can't stop worrying.

In Janurary I had a sore on my tongue which for months I got so anxious and hysterical about, I went to an oral hospital after a referral from my Dentist who checked it out and the rest of my mouth and said it was fine, and I have nothing to worry about (this was in April of this year).
After this I started checking my mouth a lot, and noticed these small red marks I'd get occasionally, they'd go away in a couple of days but I'd still get really upset.
So again for months I was so upset about it, and checked my mouth about 10 times a day.
Until I found out it was from where I'd accidentally bitten my mouth whilst eating, and I stopped worrying about that.
And tonight I was a complete idiot and googled.
Lots of things came up, mostly saying it was a harmless infection but one said something about mouth cancer and I'm freaking out again.
About how somone's 7 year old daughter had a white lump on her gum and found out it was mouth cancer.
I got hysterical just reading it.

I'm 16, I used to smoke, but quit in Janurary. I drink occasionally like most teenagers, and now I'm convinced I have it again.

I hate this.


21-09-08, 01:33
Hi chick
i knw were ur cumin frm hunni im going through similar things myself.esp wiv fearing cancer. do u smoke? as that can trigger anxiety because most smokers fear mouth cancer but i doubt it very much that ud ave mouth cancer hun its jus anxiety when were low in ourselves we get all sort of things maybe its just a mouth ulcer?? do never google its bad foru it always cum up wiv cancer or serious things wen u google and u start to belive u have it and actually get more symptoms of the condition u looked at belive me!!!lol i myself keep also checking myself , thats a habit we must get out of as u will notice silly little things and as were anxious it will look worse than wot it is.please dnt worry hun.but if need to put ur mind at rest go and c either ur dentist or doctor they can put ur mind at rest. lots of love C.xxx

21-09-08, 10:25
I put some salt water on it last night and it's really gone down, it's barely visible now so I'm feeling a lot better about it :)

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