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21-09-08, 01:49
Hi all i'm a 41 year old male, and have been suffering now since March of this year. Some good days and bad but mostly go at the moment. Havn't taken any medication and i hope it stays that way. The only thing that bothers me at the moment is the funny sensation in my head as if my brain is swollen and the headaches. But apart from that i look forward to the coucillor that i see every week, and i have to say that he explains every thing very well and makes me realise that this will all pass.

21-09-08, 02:28
Welcome to the forums!

21-09-08, 08:21
Hi Cooke3

:welcome: to NMP.

Mandy xx

21-09-08, 10:43
hi, nice to meet you

21-09-08, 11:31
Hi cooke3,

Welcome to NMP! :shades:

You will find lots of useful information and support here - I hope that is helps you out.

Great news that you are getting counselling. I've been getting some too recently, and I know what you mean about looking forward to seeing him/her each week...it's a great way to release and work through feelings.

I too have stayed clear of anti-anxiety medication. whilst I realise that for many people they would not be able to cope without them (which i can understand), I have chosen not to take them, and hopefully I will be able to stay level enough not to need them.

Yet again, welcome to the NMP family!


21-09-08, 19:54

:welcome: to nmp

jodie xx

21-09-08, 20:01
Hi Cooke

Welcome to NMP!!

Hope you enjoy the site and find lots of good advice.


21-09-08, 21:00
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

milly jones
24-09-08, 16:07
a warm :welcome: to nmp

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xxxx:blush:

24-09-08, 16:21
I second that! Welcome and keep coming back!