View Full Version : Any Tips??

24-05-05, 14:04
My breathing has been really bad recently, I do the usual breathing exercises etc...but one of my problems seems to be the feeling on not being able to take a deep breath...any tips on how to deal with this?



24-05-05, 14:13
Have you tried any relaxation CDs Loopy? They really helped me with my breathing. :D

24-05-05, 15:39
Make sure you breathe out fully by a whooshing sound between pursed lips before breathing in again.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

24-05-05, 16:21
I go to a yoga class which I find really helps with my relaxation and breathing. My teacher always recommends breathing in through the nose, and really feeling the breath at the back of the throat before breathing out. She also gets us to try and exhale for twice as long as we breathe in (eg inhale for the count of 5, exhale for the count of 10). Lying down and putting your hand on your tummy and really feeling the movement of your hand may help - this will ensure you're breathing with your whole lung and not just your upper chest.

Hope this helps!

24-05-05, 16:23
yes i found yoga has helped me loads with my breathing and relaxation, if you dont fancy going to a class you can buy some great dvds to do at home

take care

kairen x

24-05-05, 23:48

Deep breaths and hold them then breath out. Deep breathin that my CBT taught me has done me wonders when i feel anxious.

If really struggling think of somewhere you know or imagine would make you feel totally relaxed and focus on that.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

25-05-05, 08:05
I think the thought countering exercises in cbt will help you relax and allow the breathing exercises to become easier for you. It's kind of a chicken and the egg thing, or at least it was for me.