View Full Version : So pleased to have found this forum...thank you

21-09-08, 09:52
I'm theia and I found this forum last night. It has so much information about anxiety and panic, and so much support offered to members by other members. I'm really glad I found it. It helps so much to know I'm not on my own although I wouldn't wish anxiety/panic on anyone!

Anyway, I'm a bit of an oldie, nearly sixty and have been going through panic and anxiety for a number of years, on and off (thank goodness for the "off" periods!).

I'm looking forward to reading more of the threads and giving and receiving support/information. My best wishes to you all.

21-09-08, 10:06
Hi Theia

Welcome to NMP its lovely to see you here:) . We are a friendly bunch and im sure you will be made most welcome hun:flowers: .

Dont forget to check out the links at the left hand side of this page also there is some great information too.:)

Will look forward to seeing you around:yesyes:


21-09-08, 10:06
Hi and :welcome: Doesn't matter what age you are,all are welcome.You will get lots of support here and friendly advise.:welcome: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

21-09-08, 10:13
Hi theia,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined! There is so much help & information here. Knowing that you're not alone & having other people that really understand how you're feeling is a great help.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

21-09-08, 10:42
hi theia,
its nice to meet you. hope your having a good day! glad your here:)

21-09-08, 11:23
Hi Theia,

Welcome to the family!

You will find lots of useful info and support on here.

Also, you might want to listen to the free Claire Weekes downloads that are in the shop section of the website. :o)

21-09-08, 12:40
Thank you for your lovely welcome. It feels so good to know that I can talk about anxiety and panic freely here, which I can't so much in everyday life. I suppose if people haven't experienced it, it can be difficult for them to relate to it.

I bought a Claire Weekes book some years ago, Darren, and it was such a relief to read it and to realise that someone actually seemed to understand what anxiety and panic really is. There wasn't much else around then. Thanks for the tip about the downloads.

21-09-08, 13:11
Hi Theia

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find some good advice and support on here.

Take care


22-09-08, 21:56
Hiya, :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of advice/support/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.

22-09-08, 22:23
Welcome, I found this site when I was going through a horrible time. I have found much comfort here. May you do the same.

milly jones
24-09-08, 15:38
a warm :welcome: to nmp

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xxxx:blush: