View Full Version : Terrified all over again

21-09-08, 11:45
Hello everyone, I'll try and keep this short.

I've had panic attacks and anxiety for the last 20 years or so and really thought I'd had every symptom going and that I had finally managed to overcome panic attacks.

About half an hour ago my heart started skipping beats (something I had learned to deal with), only this time it went on and on, I had rushes of blood to the head one after the other and was convinced I was going to die at that moment. It was the most horrible experience ever and I do not remember ever feeling like that before.

I am so frightened by what happened I'm still shaking and crying like a baby. :weep: terrified it will happen again.

I truly thought after years of suffering that I could deal with these symptoms, can't believe I am sitting here teeth chattering and overwhelmed by fear again.

Sorry for rambling.

21-09-08, 12:10
Hi jue, poor you, sounds like you were caught be surprise by your ectopics/palpitationsl. They're not pleasant and I don't blame you for being scared. The last few days I've had a few episodes of fluttery heart, were my heart seems to suddenly speed up and "flutter" (irregular beats, I guess) for a few seconds before returning to normal. Completely freaks me out every time. I try to remember that ectopics and irregular beats are not usually dangerous, and mine aren't accompanied by any "danger signs" like sweating, chest pain, shortness of breath, feeling faint etc. But they're weird and sudden and feel horrible. So I sympathise completely. Maybe a trip to the doctor is in order if it keeps happening, or if the symptoms are worrying you a lot? Either way, try not to worry too much. Probably just our old friend anxiety making us feel bad :).

21-09-08, 12:47
Hi jue, poor you, sounds like you were caught be surprise by your ectopics/palpitationsl. They're not pleasant and I don't blame you for being scared. The last few days I've had a few episodes of fluttery heart, were my heart seems to suddenly speed up and "flutter" (irregular beats, I guess) for a few seconds before returning to normal. Completely freaks me out every time. I try to remember that ectopics and irregular beats are not usually dangerous, and mine aren't accompanied by any "danger signs" like sweating, chest pain, shortness of breath, feeling faint etc. But they're weird and sudden and feel horrible. So I sympathise completely. Maybe a trip to the doctor is in order if it keeps happening, or if the symptoms are worrying you a lot? Either way, try not to worry too much. Probably just our old friend anxiety making us feel bad :).

Thankyou Leebee for your words of support. Feeling much better now, well apart from feeling silly for starting this thread. :blush:

I have lived with dozens of ectopic beats a day since I was a teenager but for some reason this just felt different.

I hope yours aren't too bad for you. And again, thankyou.

21-09-08, 12:59
Hello Jue.
You poor thing. I know how you feel and these symptoms are really awful.
You say that you have managed to control your symptoms and have learnt to deal with them. Maybe this attack of palpitations have caught you by surprise and because you have managed to cope so well with the symptoms over all them years, you have forgotten what a nasty attack of palpitations feels like?
The reason why I say this is because just like you, I thought I had managed to deal with my panic symptoms and had a period of 3 months without any symptoms at all. I really thought I had beaten this horrible anxiety and that I was 'me' again. Everything was going so well until one night while I was on holiday I had the most awful attack of palpitations. My heart was beating so fast and skipping nearly every beat. I felt sick and couldnt stop shaking. I really thought my time was up and because I was staying in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere - I panicked that I wouldnt be able to get to hospital for treatment. Anyway the attack eventually went away (like it always does) and as soon as I got home I went straight to the doctors and told him what happened. The doctor told me that because I hadnt had any anxiety symptoms for a while, my body almost 'forgets' what the symptoms feels like and being in a strange place while I was on holiday probably caused a panic attack and because I hadnt had one for so long it made it hard to deal with which is why the attack lasted longer and was more intense.
Hope this makes a bit of sense!
Everyone has set backs but you just have to take it on the chin and try not to let it put you back into that cycle of fear. I know its hard but you are fine - its just that horrible anxiety playing up again.

You are doing so well - dont let this episode of anxiety set you back :D

Vicki x