View Full Version : help needed

21-09-08, 11:50
Hi, I started having anxiety symptoms a few weeks ago, I've been put on mild tranquilisers because I couldn't eat cos I had a panic attack after food, I know these tabs won't cure me, i find them inconvenient, i seem to have differing symptoms all the time, at the moment im getting like an annoying tickling feeling in my chest that makes me feel like i can't breath deeply. Have any of you read paul davids book? I found it helpful and it makes a lot of sense to me. I'm going to the docs again tomorrow to rule out a physical cause for this "tickling" but I'm fairly sure its anxiety cos when I was having panic attacks I didn't have it. It almost seems like I cope with something so it sends something else to test me with, does that make sense? can anyone else relate? How can I let wash over me (as advised by paul david) when its such an unpleasant physical feeling? My thoughts are constantly on whatever ails me at the time, breathing, swallowing, tickling, panic, adrenalin...it goes on and on with seemingly no way out :( has anyone else been through this?

Thanks for listening.


21-09-08, 13:27
Hi Lisa

Yes I can totally relate to what you are saying as one anxiety symptom passes another replaces it. It is hard to accept and let the symptoms wash over you but the more you practise the easier it gets. Each time I get a new symptom I just keep reminding myself it is anxiety and it will pass. I still get times when a new symptom pops up and I go into panic about it but 9 times out of 10 it is anxiety again.
