View Full Version : panic attacks all day

21-09-08, 13:06
does anyone else sumtimes feel they are have a panic attacks all day slight symptoms like butterflies and shakes but it does turn into a full blown one is this anxiety ???

21-09-08, 14:43

21-09-08, 14:45
what can i do so i dont feel this way all day everyday

21-09-08, 15:14
First of all, I would read all the information on the website


21-09-08, 22:05
Hi smiths

Your definatly suffering from anxiety. Not the norm anxiety that most people have, its alot stronger in its form and very overwhelming. This in turn could get you so worked up and then you may have a full blown panic attack. My advice would be when you feel it coming on, try and distract yourself. Not easy to do i know, but maybe you could try coming on here and playing a few games, it helped me alot. It just distracts you from all of the bad feelings and thoughts abit. Carnt tell you just how much light exercise will help you too. If you dont feel you can face going out for a walk just yet, try with 2 cans of beans ect some light arm exercise, or even put some music on and dance abit. This will help burn some of the adrenalin, which will in turn ease the anxiety levels and lower the chances of a full on panic attack. Eat a good varied diet, little but often, this too will help. And if you drink alot of drinks with caffeine, try and cut back on them as there stimulants that will make you more anxious.
Its not easy, firstly to accept its anxiety and everything that your experienceing is anxiety related and at times i know its very hard to cope with. But from everything you have said previously, its definatly anxiety.

You will get there, but you need to get past the major first hurdle which is acceptance that it is anxiety your suffering. And then from that point you can then work on ways of coping when its coming on and recognise that the symptoms will not harm you, although i know there unpleasant. But it will get better in time.

All the best.


21-09-08, 22:11
Check this link too

It may help you out abit.


Cathy V
21-09-08, 22:17
Hi smiths, would it help if you told us a bit more about yourself, sort of an intro post...couldnt see one for you but sorry if there is one. Y'know stuff like your age, living situation, whether you drink alot or not etc, or if there has been a particular trigger for the panic.

Cathy xxx

21-09-08, 22:29
hi cathy do i have to do that sum where in particular or just post a new thread:)

Cathy V
21-09-08, 22:44
Its up to you really and you dont have to do it at all if youd rather keep things private, but sometimes it gives us more of an idea of what you're having to deal with and why you think the panics started and when etc. For some ppl it helps to talk about their lives and fears etc, and gets it off their chest. You can make a new thread or do it here its your choice. But like i said smiths, if you dont want to give out any details thats fine too ok?

Cathy xxx :)

21-09-08, 22:47
i just left sum details on the introduce yourself page :)