View Full Version : Does seeing an ambulance with its light on bring on panic

21-09-08, 13:14
It makes me think straight away about my own mortality,i get very stressed.couple that with going in a Hosptial and im scared stiff!!

21-09-08, 13:21
Hi Neil

The ambulance upsets me to think there is someone somewhere thats really ill and probably thier life is in danger, im even worst when im a passenger in a car and we have to pull over to let the ambulance pass, sometimes it brings me close to tears. I am very emotional at times i even cried at Xfactor last night:weep: .

Im just a big softy really!


Cathy V
22-09-08, 08:26
Yes this one def something that would make my anx levels soar, i always imagines all those heart attacks! I hated hearing sirens from anywhere, fire engines included, but ambulances in particular. As my health anx has got better so has this fear. When i lived in uk i lived near to an ambulance station and was always seeing them hurtling around and thankfully they no longer bother me.

Cathy xxx

22-09-08, 20:05
Yep this does bother me....especially if my kids hubby etc arent with me....mind you my hubbys a paramedic so you'd think it wouldnt bother me so much, but even if he's working i worry about him driving at high speed or being assaulted.

Coni XXX

22-09-08, 21:41
My hubby is also a paramedic and I worry about the assaults and things they go to and if anything happens, you never know who they are turning up to help!

22-09-08, 22:42
Only if I am in the back of it

22-09-08, 22:47
I actually get really excited, NOT because i know someone must be in a bad way, but because of the way all the vehicles immediately stop or move to let them through and then i get really emotional cos i have so much respect for them and the job they do. Im exactly the same with police and fire brigades. Hope that makes sence? lol

23-09-08, 18:03
You sure that's not a uniform thing you got going there Mabelina? ;)

23-09-08, 20:22
I panic less cos I think theres an ambulance nearby

23-09-08, 20:28
You sure that's not a uniform thing you got going there Mabelina? :wink:

Lol... Jaco no thats me !! Men in uniform.ohhh dont get me going !!:blush:


24-09-08, 07:34
Uniforms? Believe me, green mutant ninja turtle uniforms are not that attractive lol (sorry to burst the bubble of any paramedics out there lol!)

Coni XXX

24-09-08, 16:44
well ive never understood women and firemen great big saggy clothes, and wellies and a yellow hat on.sounds like my grandad used to look in his allotment lol must be a danger thing me thinks