View Full Version : anxious

21-09-08, 15:33
i seem to spend the day waiting to have an p/a and winding myself up into a frenzy i do try to take my mind off it but it always seems to be there

21-09-08, 17:01
Hi Smiths

Try to distract yourself when you feel these thoughts come into your head. You're just feeding your anxiety when you allow these thoughs to take over. Keep yourself busy and don't sit around letting it take over.


21-09-08, 17:36

I know exactly what you mean I wake up each day with exactly the same feeling anticipating the next attack although they never seem to really come that bad its the anxiety caused by the anticipation that is so painfull to bear.

I wish I knew the answer and I really wish there was a magic pill - for me there was (diazepam) for a while then it stopped working and your left with a horrible addiction that probably makes you more depressed.

It is good to try and distract yourself from it easier said than done I Know - Ive got every computer consol know to man and I try to play those as often as I can to distract myself - I know youve probably been told the same thing counless times but lying down in a darkened room (like I tend to do) only makes the problem worse because you think about it even more. Im panicking at the mo have been daily for the last week keep getting rushes of the fear - I thought it had gone as Id not had feelings this bad for a few months but it all seems to be coming back and I trying so hard not to go backwards.

Its hard I know sometimes when you are anxiuos it disorts your thinking and you can feel very strange- I havent mastered it completetly yet but I find a good game of tetris helps- completely engages your mind.

Never give up you can and will get better. I have to beleive that for myself everyday -its what keeps me going.

Out of interest do you find the mornings worse than the evenings?

May the force be with you.......

21-09-08, 17:50
hi dave
thanks for your good advise yeah mornings are worse i get better as the day goes on