View Full Version : Aspartame/Sucrolose/Splenda

24-05-05, 17:04
How many of you who suffer from anxiety / panic attacks also drink diet drinks and fat-free foods?? After the birth of my third child I started drinking about 2- 32 ounces of diet Coke or diet Pepsi a day as well as using Sweet n Low in my drinks. This is about a year ago- shortly before my first panic attack. One day it dawned on me at work- what happened to all the warning abour Aspartame and cancer?? I started doing research and aspartame has a list that causes 32 ailments- diseases and even death. These are also depression, severe anxiety, actually about every mental illness. Aspartame literally kills the chemicals in the brain that creates balance- which then leaves the brain unable to interpret signals- and slow or no response. I am officially off all artificial sweetner as for 5 days- and I can tell a huge difference in the way I feel. If any of you drink diet soda please stop- it will ruin your health. Take care- K

24-05-05, 17:23
Certainly getting off all processed and chemically enhanced food will help .

MSG is also a big culprit

Thanks Flinn/K


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24-05-05, 18:10
I've been avoiding aspartame for quite some years after a nutritionist told me that anxiety sufferers should certainly avoid it - I don't let the kids have it either.
Love Piglet