View Full Version : Have you had this?

21-09-08, 22:56

I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and usually get the same symptoms over and over again and have done for years on and off. Last week I was lying in bed, just dozing off when I got the most overwhelming feeling that suddenly woke me up. It was my heart, I felt ill, dizzy/lightheaded, queazey and I could feel my heart fluttering very fast, and feeling as though it was skipping the odd beat. I darent check my pulse because I didnt want to confirm that it was beating irregularly. I did then feel scared and very nearly called my hubby but tried to calm down and relax as much as possible, and after what seemed just a couple of minutes I did calm down and checked my pulse which was perfectly regular.

I have had palpatations frequently with my anxiety and panic, but they just feel like a 'thumping heart that will burst out of my ribcage' faster than usual, but not irregular or fluttery.

This strange sensation I had last week happened once before exactly the same, I was drifting off to sleep.

I do not like going to the doctors, and don't really want them to just think I am being neurotic (which I know I am) but this is definately not my usual anxiety or panic symptom. I know that nobody can diagnose me here, but if anyone does experience anything like this I would be interested to hear.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.


21-09-08, 23:01
Hi Freaky,

Yes, I have also experienced this too, exaclty as you describe it. I also get it during the day.

I've also had another wierd thing, which normally only happens literally just as I am nodding off to sleep: its a really strange sensation, like tingling or elecricity that runs all up my chest in a wave, and ends up in my head, making me dizzy, then it goes. Sometimes it starts in my chest, sometimes in my abdomen. but it always comes in a wave upwards towards my head, including in my arms. I haven't had it for a few days now (touch wood!)... i was getting it much more when I was what I call 'out of control with anxiety'. but i've come down from anxitey level 10 to anxiety level 9 at the moment, so a tiny bit more relaxed.

Cathy V
21-09-08, 23:21
Hi there freaky, yes you'll find alot of members have these missed beats (ectopics) and flutters, they're quite common and are usually just another sign of stress and anxiety. ive been getting them off and on for years as have alot of ppl, but only because weve let them really freak us out...and we didnt have nmp to talk to! They are uncomfortable but please dont let them scare you.

Take care
Cathy xxx

22-09-08, 00:10
I get the fluttering in my chest sometimes too, so you aren't alone there.

Dazza, I also have that feeling that you have described! Weird one isn't it.


22-09-08, 00:27
Hi Freaky.

This is called a nocturnal panick attack. It is basically when you get a panick attack in your sleep. They can leave you feeling scared, confused and quite disoriented. You think "i was just having a peacful sleep...what's wrong with me?" But it is just the anxiety affecting you in your sleep. When this happens to me, I just tell myself i am safe and okay, take long deep breaths and i fall back asleep. Try not to focus on the anxiety. Do this too when you have palpatations during the day. They cannot harm you. They will pass :)


22-09-08, 12:29
Hi Dazza, Cathy, Sam and Monika

Thank you so much for your replies. I am not really one for worrying too much about the physical symptoms I get because I realise they are mostly linked to my anxiety and panic, but I was concerned this time as the symptoms were different. I have had panic attacks at night before, for no apparant reason but like I said before the palpations I usually get are regular thumping heartbeats. Anyway, I am hugely relieved to read your replies and am not going to go to the doctors with this, phew!!

Dazza, your electricity sensations sound horrible, fortunately I don't get that although I did get sharp shooting electric shock type sensations in my head when I was changing my antidepressants once.

I never cease to be amazed at how anxiety and stress can have such diverse symptoms for us.

I wish you all well, and thanks again for replying, and thanks Monika for your advice on how to 'think' about the palps when they come.
