View Full Version : Why

24-05-05, 17:07
Hi Everyone,

I really cant work this one out...Im back at work after being off nearly 13 weeks...Ive been back 5 weeks now and things have been going great...then last Friday afternoon I felt really not good...Friday evening a huge panic attack worst in a long while...really really bad all day Saturday, freaked out in Primark...Sunday basically the same...yesterday at work was bad...crying all day...couldnt stop shaking...breathing bad...really really felt like passing out...managed to get through the day...just. Ive got a day off today and Ive been really bad again...I really cant work out where this has come from...its really upset me and I'm worried about how I am going to get through work tomorrow....Im in a real state.

Ive got a docs appointment on Thursday...I want to change my medication as I really not happy on it...plus its not helping...

Maybe Im looking for answers that are not there....maybe its just one of those things....the anxiety and panic is very severe...I dont know what is going on.


24-05-05, 17:50
Hi Loopy,

sorry to hear your not do good at the moment, its just a bad day that has set u off into a pattern, think to yourself i will be fine tmrw i was doing so well it was just a bad day, try and relax have a nice bath some nice music and just try and chill out tonight u may feel better in the morning, make sure u have a good chat with doc and tell him/her exactly how you are feeling, i know its awful whenu have a bad day but thats all it is your probably really tired from being back at work as well

take care hun and hope you feel a bit better soon

kairen x

24-05-05, 17:52
hi Loopy,

It is quite common for anxiety and panic to come out of nowhere even when nothing is wrong and we have been having good days. I'm sure it will pass soon and you will be feeling like your old self in no time..

Sarah :D

24-05-05, 18:17

Sorry you had a bad day but we can all understand.

I still get bad days 11 years on and I try to remember that they are just that - bad days. I am not going back to where I was all those years ago and I am sure you won't too.

Try to be kind to yourself and give yourself some pampering and hopefully it will soon be behind you.

Personal question - is it near the time of month atall?


24-05-05, 23:19
Hi Loopy

When we get bad days after a good run they do feel so much harder as we tend to dismiss how we really felt at the start when it all came over us.

Can you remember how you felt before you were of work and i am sure how you feel now although is hard wont be as bad as that as you got through your shift however bad you felt.

I personally tend to dismiss how bad i was until i really focus on how i get through bad days now and we all get them but i also feel we cope better as we have a lot more experience of how to cope and get through them.

It isnt nice hun and i know that, but you have had a few bad days but you have being through worse and you will come through this.

Use your experience of what you have being through to help you through this bad time and i am posative it will help you.

Here if you want to talk.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

25-05-05, 08:42
Hi Loopy, I had a blip day yesterday so I know where you are coming from. Feel a bit shaky this mornig but have decided to treat it as a new day...not an extension of yesterday.

Take care and I hope you have a calmer one today.

Love Angie

25-05-05, 10:31
Hi Loopy

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well....I too get panic attacks when the least expected and it confuses me ...and frustrates me !! You feel powerless and don't know what to do. I am sure it will pass tho.
Anyway I hope your doc will be able to help.
Take care.


**Don't believe everything you think .**

25-05-05, 11:10
Hi Loopy,

Sorry you are having a bad patch but thats all it is hun.

I had a bad one a few weeks ago and i felt all out of sorts for a while after.

Then this morning I woke up feeling really anxious which upset me as I hadn't had that for a while. I just thought no i know your there and I don't feel quite right but im gonna get on with the day anyway. Distraction is the key at times like this.

Blips are horrid but it will make you stronger in the long run! You can look back and think Yeah I coped with that and i still did stuff even though I felt so C**P!

Hope you feel better soon. Good luck with Drs.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

25-05-05, 13:34
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Loopy

Personal question - is it near the time of month atall?


<div align="right">Originally posted by nomorepanic - 24 May 2005 : 18:17:47</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi Nicola

Yes it is!! I was wondering if there was a connection...but I wasnt like this last month...so who knows!!

Thanks to everyone for their kind words...I try to start each day as a new day but its been so horrible recently...I didnt manage to get into work today...now Im worried I will lose my job...we shall see.


25-05-05, 14:39
hi Loopy,

I get worse at the time of the month too so it could be that. Hope you feel better soon and things at work go ok.

Sarah :D

Sue K with 5
26-05-05, 01:01
Hi loopy

I like the name, anyway, I was reading what you said and I too have period during the month especially around PMT time where I am absoltely terrible, I shake I cry and I fear the worst, the attacks get worse and I feel totally out of control right up until my PMT starts, I used to take starflower oil, prior to getting worse two years ago, and i found this actually worked, I was much calmer, less stressful and much more relaxed in myself, in fact I am thinking of starting it again.

I was just wondering if you should also take it, it does work, I am a real sceptic about medication and I have discussed mixing this with my Cipramil and she said it would be fine, so try it, you have nothing to lose and it really did work for me

Sue with 5 children


26-05-05, 18:32

Just make a note of how you feel next month around the same time to see if there is a connection atall. May help understand it anyway.
