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View Full Version : Feeling like I need to inhale deeper

22-09-08, 10:33
Hi everyone,

I have had anxiety for a long time now with a constant tightness of my chest for almost a year. Does anyone else here get the feeling as if you need to inhale deeper? I wouldn't say I was out of breath, just feel as if I am concentrating a lot more in my deeper breaths. Could this be anything to do with heart problems??


22-09-08, 10:47
Hi Benjy and Bingo!
What you have just described is one of my main anxiety symptoms and i'v had it for years! I feel as if i have to muster the biggest breath i can (and tis not easy).
It's as if my life depends on this huge influx of oxygen, although it usually makes me worse. I then get this urge to yawn and find that i can't so i start taking these huge breaths again.
It comes and goes though, i probably have this 'habit' for a week or so then it disappears for a few month.

I must look a right plonker sat there trying to swallow everyones share of air and trying to catch any passing yawn. My bloke always laughs and says 'go on, go on, you've nearly got it' he finds it hilarious so i know i must look like a right TIT!!!

22-09-08, 10:54
i know how you feel benjy, i always feel like i need to breath deeper. your not the only one! hope that helps

22-09-08, 10:56
Spot on! And I notice myself checking my pulse as it happens! It seems to just come and go. For instance I am at work at the moment and I feel fine but this morning it was there when I woke up! It's really annoying!

22-09-08, 11:00
Hiya, yes I get this too. All the reply I get from my Mum (who is a nurse!) she says if you couldn't breathe, you would be blue. Doesn't help when you still feel like you can't breathe but she has a point.

22-09-08, 11:04
That is exactly the same response I get from my mum (who is not a nurse) and she always says to me if it was a heart condition then it would be there all the time and not come and go! phew!

22-09-08, 11:12
yeah she has a point. I have a heart condition but my breathing has nowt to do with it & the docs have said like your mum, if it was down to a heart condition then I would have it all the time, its just anxiety. Mums are always right. :)

22-09-08, 11:36
if you are at all worried a ecg can always put your mind at rest , i have the same problem as you its not at all nice, but its good old anxiety playing up unfort

22-09-08, 21:35
Thank you Benjy for this thread, it really gave me comfort about my own "shortness of breath" or whatever the correct name for this is.

22-09-08, 22:21
I have had the same symptoms with anxiety. That need to inhale so deeply and feeling like you can't really get it deep enough. I am much better now that there isn't as much stress.

Natural Mystic
23-09-08, 06:41
Hi everyone,

I have had anxiety for a long time now with a constant tightness of my chest for almost a year. Does anyone else here get the feeling as if you need to inhale deeper? I wouldn't say I was out of breath, just feel as if I am concentrating a lot more in my deeper breaths. Could this be anything to do with heart problems??

Yup, isn't it awful

i even keep some paper bags in my home and car, it's that scary

28-09-08, 23:22
i get that too -- i think its my heart as i bring chest wall pain on- breathing so deeply. whish it would stop!!