View Full Version : was it even worth it??!!

22-09-08, 11:12
i dont normally post my own thread..but i havent had a panic attack now since july and ive still had the general anxiety but ive been able to handle it and ive been doing really well..but last night my phone broke again and then when i got home i ended up having a row with my mum over nothing and i have had a headache for 4 days now and i refuse to take tablets but im still waiting for my new glasses so my vision is abit blurry..now i just feel so shakey and panicy..i cant stop crying im soo gutted because i was doing so well..now i just think what was the point in all the hard work to just end up back here...:weep:

22-09-08, 11:34
hey titch,
everyone has their setbacks, so don't worry to much. the important thing is that you don't give up! YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS. sorry to hear your having a bad day. wish you the best! :)

22-09-08, 11:34
Oh honey, it's ok

It's never going to be easy and you will have good days and bad days.. this was just one of those bad days but now that you have had one you will be able to handle the next odd bad day better,

Breath in take some neurofen if you are able to (always see your Dr if you are unsure)

Have a nice hot meal and watch your fav movie in your room alone and take some time out.

Exercise is very very good i hear and you should try going for a walk or a jog even if you don't feel like it at first, ok.

Unfortunatly I am on medication but it works for me as I was unable to control my thoughts and how i felt. it does by no means make you weak.

Give it a few more days you will get back to where you were

22-09-08, 12:27
Hiya ya
Its quite commen for us to have months of good and great days
and then for a few bad ones to hit
plz try not to let these bad days drag you back down into a slump
try to stay positive and in a good frame of mind
i hope you feel better soon
sending you some hugs and positive vibes
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


22-09-08, 13:06
hi hun, I understand what yolu feel like as I am in same boat today. I have had no panic attacks for ages, just general anxiety like you & then today, I feel dreadful!!! I have had only had about 4 hrs sleep & had one too many glasses of wine last night & thats all its taken for me feel like this today! But I am not going to let it get to me though as no point. Just accept & move on. I know I will feel better in the morning & I know you will too. Big hugs. xxxxx

23-09-08, 10:47

23-09-08, 15:20
Hi Titch,

Try not to let it get you down too much. Arguements are not good. I rarely argue with my wife but when I do I get really anxious if it is not resolve. Even if I am in the right, which I always am :wink:, then I back down because I can't stand the tension.

As already said this is just a setback. Its not though something you should let hold you back.

All the best


23-09-08, 19:48
aw look at all the good stuff, your letting that one panic attack over shadow all the good things,