View Full Version : constant tingling on face

22-09-08, 11:13
i am getting really fed up with these symptoms of anxiety i have this constant tingling on my face specially my cheeks hard to explain like a slight burning sensation my neck also feels stiff and tense and if i bend my neck down can feel the pain right down back back . also on my scalp feels itchy sometimes .

Cathy V
22-09-08, 11:36
Hi becs, didnt you say youd had a bad reaction to some hair dye, and that was possibly causing the tingling face and scalp? the tense feelings in your neck and back are more than likely just that...tension, and thats because you are worrying about the tingling! Im sure your system will recover with a bit if time. Do you remember reading the explanation that Tom gave about adrenaline and reactions etc? Might comfort you to read it again.

Cathy xxx

22-09-08, 11:47
hi cathy thanks for your kind words i know your right i am just feeling cross about all this today just want to get better hope you ok

22-09-08, 16:47
I get tingling in my face sometimes, normally when I feel like I am having an attack.

I went to A&E three weeks ago (on the advice of NHS Direct) as I was having heart symptoms / numb left arm. they did all the normal tests, and they were normal. then my left leg went numb and tingly, as did the left hand side of my face! (of course, i thought I was having a stroke!). When I told the doctor about the tingling in the leg and face, she told me it was panic.

I also get a burning in neck, especially at the bottom. as CAthy says (hi Cathy) it's really likely to be tension...i've had mine for weeks, just think it is a byproduct of constant worrying / anxiety.