View Full Version : OK, here goes nothing!

22-09-08, 11:32
Hi, I'm Alicia. I'm a student living in Brighon, and up until about 3 months ago I was a really happy, fun loving popular girl. Recently I have experienced the lowest feelings of my life. These were pretty much defined by my constant feelings of misery, guilt, and tiredness, far-too-frequent crying (over very little), feelings of huge dependancy on my partner, which I was too scared to get out in the open, and every day feeling like I couldn't get out of bed.
Last week, I visited my doctor for a non-related matter, and just as I was about to leave, se jsut said "have you been feeling a bit under the weather recently?" and that was just like the opening of the floodgates. I burst into tears and told her everything- the first time I'd truly said anything to anyone.
She gave me a week to read up on SSRI's and I've just come back from the doctors with 10mg Citalopram, one of which I''ve just taken!

Some days, I wake up and make it worse for myself. I feel such guilt and really hope these meds work. My mother suffers and also gets insomnia, so I really don't want to tell her as I don't want her to worry (which I know she will)

I hope this forum comes as some support, and I thank no more panic for this!


22-09-08, 11:40
I forgot to say, I was diagnosed with medium to severe depression. Would love to talk :)

22-09-08, 11:46

:welcome: to nmp

jodie xx

22-09-08, 11:51
Hi, thanks Jodie :)

22-09-08, 11:57
Hiya hun Ive just answered on yr alcohol thread ....Hope u are ok .

If you suffer depression alcohol can make things worse hun esp if its large amounts ......You work in a nightclub do they sell low alcohol drinks ?

I know you want a drink m8 and Im the same but maybe cut it out for the short term until you get yourself feeling better ....you dont need alcohol 2 have gud tym Im sure ....dont get me wrong Im no te totaller haha but just try it 4 now hun x

Do you know whats brought on this episode of feeling so low and depressed ?

You will get loads of help on here hun x

Take care

22-09-08, 12:03
hey hun... your meds will help..and on here is so helpful. good luck and take care xxxxx:welcome:

22-09-08, 12:27
Hi Alicia,

Welcome to the NMP family! :yesyes:

Sorry to hear that you are feeling so low. It's horrible, especially when you are normally so full of life.

I lived in Brighton for 8 years (left this May). There are plenty of good counsellors in Brighton & Hove. You may find talking to a counsellor will help you to work through things, especially things that you feel that you cannot share with those close to you. your GP should be able to refer you to one.

failing that, you may wish to contact MIND, who are based in Buckingham Road, not far from Brighton Station. Here are their details:

79 Buckingham Road
BN1 3RJ (map)
Tel: 01273 749 600
Fax: 01273 771 253

Web: http://www.mindcharity.co.uk/default.asp

If you are part of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi or Transgender) Community, then MIND also used to have an LGBT Advocacy Service, not sure if they still do. Failing that, you can always contact Brighton Gay Switchboard, as they also offer means tested counselling. I've used them in the past and they are great. You will find more info and contact details on their website:


Well, I hope that this info will be of help.

I might not be of any consolation, but 10 years ago, I fell into depression while I was living in London... I could not stand it, so moved to Brighton...it really turned my life around...Brighton is such a healing place..walks along the seafront are a good way to air the mind a bit. It's rather ironic that my recent problems all started just as I was leaving Brighton to move to Asia to be with my lovely partner. Maybe it's a sign that he and I should be in Brighton instead.

Good luck to you my dear, and drop me a line if you think I can help. :o)

22-09-08, 12:36
Hiya Alicia, welcome to NMP its great to have you here

23-09-08, 19:04
hey hun... your meds will help..and on here is so helpful. good luck and take care xxxxx:welcome:

Thanks Titch, yeah I hope so! XX

23-09-08, 19:08
Hi Alicia,

Welcome to the NMP family! :yesyes:

Sorry to hear that you are feeling so low. It's horrible, especially when you are normally so full of life.

I lived in Brighton for 8 years (left this May). There are plenty of good counsellors in Brighton & Hove. You may find talking to a counsellor will help you to work through things, especially things that you feel that you cannot share with those close to you. your GP should be able to refer you to one.

failing that, you may wish to contact MIND, who are based in Buckingham Road, not far from Brighton Station. Here are their details:

79 Buckingham Road
BN1 3RJ (map)
Tel: 01273 749 600
Fax: 01273 771 253

Web: http://www.mindcharity.co.uk/default.asp

If you are part of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi or Transgender) Community, then MIND also used to have an LGBT Advocacy Service, not sure if they still do. Failing that, you can always contact Brighton Gay Switchboard, as they also offer means tested counselling. I've used them in the past and they are great. You will find more info and contact details on their website:


Well, I hope that this info will be of help.

I might not be of any consolation, but 10 years ago, I fell into depression while I was living in London... I could not stand it, so moved to Brighton...it really turned my life around...Brighton is such a healing place..walks along the seafront are a good way to air the mind a bit. It's rather ironic that my recent problems all started just as I was leaving Brighton to move to Asia to be with my lovely partner. Maybe it's a sign that he and I should be in Brighton instead.

Good luck to you my dear, and drop me a line if you think I can help. :o)
That's really great to know, I'll get in touch. There's a counselling service at my Uni which my doctor suggested I go to- I might check it out but I'm a bit worried as I'm not that great at talking about stuff (can hardly talk to my boyfriend about it without crying!) and I know it's supposed to help but I can't imagine actually explaining things face to face with a stranger without getting.. embarrased?!
I'll definitely look at there site though. And you're right, Brighton's a lovely place full of smiling, colourful people which can't do anything but help!

milly jones
24-09-08, 15:32
a warm :welcome: to nmp

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xxxx:blush: