View Full Version : Hello im lydie

22-09-08, 12:27
Ive sufferd from depersonisation derealisation manic depression for around a year and a half,
It all started because i had a very bad reaction to cannabiss.
From febuary this year up until a few days ago id felt better than i ever have i was off medication and feeling great and had almost forgotten how terifying dp/dr are.

I went to one of my friends partys on sataday,
and i went outside for some air and there were about 10people all sharing a joint and as soon as a smelt it i went into a huge panic attack,
id hugged one of the guys smoking it and conviced myself it had gotten into my system.

I went outside to sit down and started hyperventilating,
dry mouth,paranoia and i knew what was happening id been through before and it had caused me months of awful awful dp/dr deperesion.

I tried so hard to make it stop and in the end i had to leave because i started hallucinating from fear.

I went to bed that night and couldnt sleep for hours because i was so dizzy,
i woke up the next morning and felt the dp/drcome back so strong and i just cried and cried all day.

Its monday now and its still here,
but ive got throught this before.

can i do it again?

Please somone give me some advice,
i feel so alone.

22-09-08, 12:34
Hiya lydie :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
you did it before hun and you most deffo can get passed this again
sounds like you had a panic attack at the party and it can quite easy start of the dr/dp again
although the feeling of these are scary it cant hurt you
doing some deep breathing exercises and trying to relax will help them pass
i know it aint easy not to fear it but your fear of it is keeping it there
lac of sleep and stress will only add to it hun so try to gets lots of rest.
you are not alone now you are here on NMP
you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
keep posting with whatever scares you, no matter how small and we will help as much as we can

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


22-09-08, 12:35
Hi Lyidie,

Welcome to NMP!

You will get through this, as you already have done so before. When we are feeling low, we often forget our own ability to overcome things, and we also forget past achievments.

I had dereaslisation the first time when i was depressed about 10 years ago.. once the depression lifted, so did the derealisation.

I've had derealisation for about 2 or 3 months now, but I realise that it's my brain's way of helping me to cope - making me feel spaced out. It is always there to varing degress, but I am confirdent that once I have managed to start to work through my current issues and fears, then the derealisation will slowly lift too, giving me back my 'clear vision' of life.

I'm confident that the same will apply to you. you came out of it before, so there is no reason that you won't this time! :o)

22-09-08, 12:46
Thankyou so much guys,
ive just sat and cried over those replys its so nice to have somone know what your going through and to care so much.
Its just really scary,
i want to be me again and im scared how long this is going to last.
Im really scared.


22-09-08, 14:18
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

22-09-08, 14:32
when your not well go in the chat room talk to people who suffer like you and cant help , a good laugh in the chat room and you be a bit better you see wish you better and you wont be alone

milly jones
24-09-08, 16:01
a warm :welcome: to nmp

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xxxx:blush: