View Full Version : Weak Legs and no energy! Anyone Else?

22-09-08, 12:57
Hi all
I haven't been doing too bad and the Citalopram have helped a lot now the side affects have gone but I still get this horrible feeling of tiredness and my legs and arms feel weak and have no strength. I worry about muscle wasting diseases and I read posts on here and panic I have something awful. Some days my legs just feel tired and weak, so do my arms.
I think I should do more exercise, I walk quite a bit but thought about my bike but I worry my legs would just go weak and wobbly all day if I did that!
Is it just a busy life and not relaxing enough or is there something wrong, I have spoken to my doc about aching legs but she didn't comment! So wonder if it is just little old me worrying again...
Any ideas? Somedays I feel twice my age!!

22-09-08, 13:01
why don;t you try walking? the other week i walked from my house to my parents & its about a 3 mile walk. I didn't think my legs would take it but once I got going I was away! I could have walked back but I was picking up my car. I had loads of energy & loved it. I am not saying walk 3 miles but just a walk round the block or the garden will still make you feel better, you just have to push past the feeling where you feel like your legs can't take it cos they can!!

22-09-08, 13:11
I do walk everyday with my dog and enjoy walking, its just sometimes my legs feel so tired and like I have been on my feet all day!!

23-09-08, 15:06
How is your back?

I have a weakness in my back and find that it affects the legs and arms when I am up and about. It could be just a stiffness there. Alternatively it could just be the tension of anxiety. I think most of us have experienced the same at one stage or another.

All the best


23-09-08, 15:53

I get this as well and I agree it as really frustrating. Somedays I have not been able to do hardly anything. I tried to clean out the fish tank a couple of weeks ago and didn't have the strength or energy to do it. I find the longer I am on the citalopram the better it gets. I had a setback this weekend and it came straight back after 2 weeks of not really having it at all.

Getting on your bike sounds like a great idea. I can't ride my bike at the mo for other reasons but I am dying to get back on it. I used to ride a good 40-50 miles a week before march and it is killing me not being able to 'cos it is the one form of exercise I love. Me, My bike, My MP3 player and some country lanes!!! It is a great way of building up strength in your legs and helps with stamina and general fitness as well. If it is just your legs that feel weak and you are not getting dizzy etc you should be fine. Just ride a couple of miles to start with and build it up. I would really give it a go, it will work a lot faster then walking. :)