View Full Version : New member here

22-09-08, 13:39
Hi all, I have been sent over here from a couple of other people with anxiety. Just really kinda reaching out for helping looking for people like me. Long story short. About 2 years ago I had my first panic attack which was horrible 2 years ago since that day I have no had a day where I felt "Normal" something has always been in my head, my heart SKIPS ALL THE TIME like beat beat skip. I never have energy I walk around light headed ALL the time. I have trouble breathing almost ALL day. These are things burden me all day I have stopped leaving the house. I have been tested for everything under the sun been to the er over 40 times, seen 3 cardiologist a neroulogist and seen 3 therapists and no luck. I have tried every SRRI on the market and have become dependant on xanax.

I went from being a succesful career driven person that was able to talk to ANYONE. To being a guy that lives in my basement not wanting to leave luck if I go outside one time a day I am a mess and have no idea how I got to this point. This disease has taken my life,my family, my friends and now is taking my sanity. Thank God I did get approved for disability for this the first time around. But being only 28 and having my life taken away so young I am just at my witts end I don't know what to do. I am in the process of being tested further for lyme disease. But whatever it is I know the anxiety is there I HATE leaving the house.

Does anyone else deal with the Palpations allot during the day and the shortness of breath and chest pain?

I am just looking for people to relate. Thanks guys

Joshua from Va.

22-09-08, 13:40
Let me also add that since my first attack I have been in a 24/7 disrealization state that WILL not go away I never feel normal in the head. Anyone like this not just one day here one day there but almost like a 24/7 panic attack?

22-09-08, 14:17
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

I am sure as you familiarise yourself with the site and the forums that you will soon learn you are far from alone. Many have experienced and are experiencing the same

Pooh x

Veronica H
22-09-08, 15:23
Hi Joshua
Welcome to NMP. Many of the symptoms you describe sound like typical anxiety/panic symptoms. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'Self help for your nerves' published by Thorsons ISBN 978-0-7225-3155-6. This is avalable from the NMP Shop. I cannot recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. Her recordings can be downloaded to your MP3 from NMP too. Glad that you have found us. You will find comfort and support here Joshua.

22-09-08, 16:35
Hi Joshua,

Sorry to hear your story. Anxiety and panic really do take over our lives, it's so powerful.

But, there are also many success stories of people who have been able to overcome these things.

Glad that you found this site. You will find lots of info and huge amounts of support and advice on here. :)

Don't ever feel like you have to suffer alone... if you are worried about a certain symptoms, or just want to get things off your chest... then put a post on here...people will reply to you within a short period of time.

I do get palpitations / chest pain / shortness of breath / dizziness. I've had lots of heart tests.... just going through another batch at the moment... hopefully, if they come back negative, i will be able to believe the doctors this time! (easily said!).

Take care and welcome to NMP! :)


22-09-08, 21:53
Hiya, :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of advice/support/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.

22-09-08, 22:30
You were granted disability on the first time?? That is amazing. I have chronic asthma and they denied me three times. I finally gave up and got a job.
I wish you the best of luck. Don't give up and feel free to send me a private message. I would love to talk to you.
Sheryl in California

milly jones
24-09-08, 15:36
a warm :welcome: to nmp

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xxxx:blush: