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Natural Mystic
22-09-08, 14:52
Hello everyone,

I am a 40 year young single working mum of 1 child. I have always been known as the strong confident one (though it's often a misconception at times that we could never possible be weak, or ill, cos we are so strong). In December last year I was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma (suspicious mole) and they promised me that they'd had gotten it all, that I was clear (still I'd need monitoring for several years).

Anyway, in January this year (just after my second op) I had the weirdest of sensations, at home late at night. I now believe these to be anxiety attacks but looking back I think I've seen signs for several years). My symptoms are shortness of breath, chest pains, diarrea (sp sorry), heart thumping out of my chest, dizziness, weakness and vomiting (though not all at the same time).

When I'm having these sensations nothing can convince me that I'm not dying and I think it's worse because I live alone with my son. My worst fear is dying and leaving him (he has no father), of him having to find me dead (he's 7). I went through a stage that I was having a hearattack, brain tumor (a neighbour died suddenly from a brain tumor (she was 38) a couple of years ago. However what I am paniking about now is that I still have the cancer, that it must have spread, I cannot imagine why I'd just vomit over and over late at night (this happens about once a week, the sensation and the vomiting). Mostly I live 24 with a severe tense feeling in my chest and am living on beta blockers.

I've waffled haven't I?

Is it normal with anxiety to vomit like this? Am I going out of my mind? I have really good days and nights, then seem to fall down a dark deep hole again, such as the past few days. My son is only 7 and I'm so worried that it's affecting him, because this "illness" really is ruling my life.

I did tell my doctor the other week that I was waiting for the voices :roflmao:

Just hoping to speak to others like me, to know I'm not alone!

22-09-08, 16:05
Hi Mystic


What you are describing seems perfectly normal for a panic attack. Some people vomit and some don't. It could be that you are just getting yourself into such a state that it's making you sick. I have heard of others on here who are sick when having a panic attack.

Watch out for more replies.

Best of luck

Love Lisa

Natural Mystic
22-09-08, 16:33
Thanks Lisa, the weird thing is that these "attacks" just happen, I don't even think that I'm stressing. Take the other night, I got into bed (the times I feel worse is in the evening) and I suddenly felt all hot and well .. just weird (I honestly find it difficult to explain these sensations). I then try to close my eyes but I just can't ... then start throwing up and going for number 2's too, for about an hour until I can finally pass out (to sleep that is lol). It's because I'm not panicing about anything that makes me think I have something more serious.

Sounds familiar to many of you I'm sure

God I hate this, I want my life back :doh:

23-09-08, 08:40
Hi mystic, welcome to nmp :welcome:
Sounds like you've been through the mill lately. Could it be that you have a viral or bacterial illness and anxiety on top of that? Infections often exacerbate anxiety. What did your doctor say? Hope you're feeling better soon. You're among friends here :).

23-09-08, 10:14
Hi and welcome to the site,

i have been known to be sick in the mornings (my worst time) with anxiety,
read this i found it on this site under panic attack symptoms :-

Digestive system/Nausea

What you feel:

All parts of the GI muscles contract , decreasing the flow of digestive juices and slow down your metabolism - but it wants to get rid of what is ready to be excreted – now !!. You may need the loo urgently several times, have tummy pains. This can be from gentle butterflies to a severe pain in the pit of the stomach. Often you swallow air leading to feeling very nauseous or having a churny tummy produces gas that needs to be burped up.

You may feel bloated or gaseous, or that there is a lump in your stomach. Sometimes you may feel like you have butterflies in your stomach or that your stomach is tight. Some people refer to it as a 'heavy' stomach. Others experience over acidity or persistent nausea. Sometimes even the thought of eating something will make you nauseous.
What causes this:

High stress biology produces extra stomach acid, digestive juices and stomach muscle action or tension in order to quickly digest and eliminate food in the digestive system. This helps to prepare the body for immediate action. When high stress biology is maintained throughout the day, the build up of stomach acid and muscle tension produces an excess of stomach acid which then irritates the stomach and causes indigestion, bloating, diarrhoea, and so on.

Eating smaller more frequent meals will help to reduce this symptom, as well as eating blander non-spicy foods. Using ant-acids, stomach remedies and drinking plenty of water will also help. However, the best remedy is rest, although symptom relief is not immediate.

anx xx

23-09-08, 10:23
i am a single mum too. . .
and i suffer from anxiety and panic,
im sure there are others that suffer from vomiting, i have on the rare occasion when i was at my worse but it mainly affects my stomach in other ways!!!
but i have learnt that it is just anxiety. . .
please dont think you are affecting your son in any way, i have four children that have all grown up ok.
i know it can be lonely especailly when you are in the midst of an attack but you will not die from this. . .
you are not going out of your mind, this can and will get better.
so wlcome to nmp. . . you will get loads of help here and make some good friends .