View Full Version : Mucus in poo/stool (quite gross!)

22-09-08, 17:18
Hello everyone,
Back to our favourite subject...pooh! I have had a gripy lower tummy for about two days now, and have produced copious amounts of yellow mucus when I have gone to toilet, along with tremendously impressive squelchy farts.

I am thinking this is probably just a stomach bug as there seem to be lots going round near me. not ben sick, although I feel a tad nauseous.

There's no blood, and poos themselves are quite solid and healthy looking. Just lots of bottom bogies!

Anyone else had similar? Have sort of been diagnosed with IBS over the last year, but not really had any major symptoms until this. I guess if it doesn't clear up in a day or two it will be off to the docs. Again! Sigh.

22-09-08, 17:31
Nothing to worry about. The bowel does make mucus when it is having a bad time so don't worry.

22-09-08, 17:34
cheers! I suspect a bug of some sort - lots of staff have had them at the school I work at, and the buggers all come in, groaning, clutching their stomachs and running off to the toilet every 5 minutes! Cheers a lot - idiots. These things are so contagious. i'd rather cover a lesson than feel like this. I considerately stayed at home, to prevent further contamination!

28-12-10, 04:21
Does anybody else get this regular?

I find it causes very bad stomach cramp..

I also feel I need alot but infact it's like mucus with bits on it..disgusting..I don't get why half the time I need the toilet it's this mucus clear stuff but not anything like proper? :unsure:

28-12-10, 06:00
Hi Guys
It's probably a touch of IBS.
My Dr told me it's rare for an anxiety sufferer not to get it.
Phill :shades: