View Full Version : am i getting better?? it seems not!!

nic x
22-09-08, 19:16
hi all, well best part of u prob no me, through nmp, iv been a a state of anxeity and panic for a few mnth now, to the extent of not being able to come home,staying with parents, not being able to drive, thinking im not coping well with kids and stuff. iv been to see gp who gave me beta blockers, and have started seeing a theripst, and read as many books and stuff about panic and gad that u would think im a pro!! i also know that u'v got to accept it and let the thoughts and feelings wash over u, so i am driving a bit alone, a lot with passangers, while i still get these feelings they do pass, iv been homefor 5 days, though awful, and having to have company most of the time im managing to stay here alone for times. hour or so. the fears and panic are still coming though, even though i no there harmless and what i expect isnt going to happen, i can relax and get through them but why the still hanging around?? why they still coming?? will i ever get better?? xx

22-09-08, 19:54
Hi Nic

Well i think you have made a good start by moving home again because it means you are now fighting it. Granted it does take time but you are going about it the right way. The more you continue to fight it and get back into as "normal" a routine as possible then in my view, the easier things start to become. It won't happen over night huni but i promise you, it will happen!!

Lots of love and good luck
