View Full Version : panicking about dizzyness

22-09-08, 19:57
Hi all
Got myself into a right state today. Some of you may have read my recent threads about taking omperazole. Anyway, i've now been diagnosed with acid reflux which has caused osophagitis (imflamation of the osophagus) and a recent abdo scan confirmed gallstones. the omperazole that the doc perscribed made me feel so ill - dizzy, sick, spaced out etc, so I have stopped taking those and gone back onto ranitadine. However, the dizzyness and nausea have not gone. Stupid thing is, I was taking these before and was ok. I felt really awful today and went into a massive panic about it. Phoned docs and spoke to pharmacist who told me that side effects of ranitadine are also dizzyness, nausea etc. I've made an appointment to see the doc tomorrow, but I cant believe how stressed out I am about it and dont know whether these feelings are the drugs or my anxiety. I have tried to be rational about it, but this dizzyness is horrendous - I feel like I'm on a boat - and I HATE BOATS!!!!!!!

22-09-08, 21:00
Hi, i have had anxiety for about three years and didnt experience the dizzyness up until here recently. I have felt spaced out and nausious as well. But i have been reassured that it is anxiety and nothing else by the others on here with the same symptoms. Sometimes certain symptoms from anxiety just come and go and seems like there's always one symptom happening after another. The dizzyness and spaced out feelings can be really hard to bare but I believe your situation is just anxiety. Try to relax and not worry yourself :)