View Full Version : Does anyone else dread dark nights and winter?

Granny Primark
22-09-08, 20:02
I really feel that dark nights affects me.
I become tired, and feel really down.
I love the sun, and to wake up to sunshine makes me feel good for the rest of the day.
However sadly this year weve seen little of the sun.
Im just wondering how many others feel the weather dictates or influences their moods.

Cathy V
22-09-08, 20:35
Hi lyn, yes i def think the darker nights affect alot of people, even without siffering from SAD. I know that when my anx was at its worst i dreaded the clocks going back end of october. Im not too bad about it now but still look forward to spring again!

Cathy xxx

eternally optimistic
22-09-08, 20:45
I HATE the dark nights... the day seems to finish so early.

I am sure I suffered from SAD, although SSRI's seem to have helped with that too.

Im gonna make a point at weekends, especially to get some sunlight to see if it helps.

The light does make a massive difference to me.


23-09-08, 11:04
Hi Lynn

I hate the long dark nights too:weep: . the winters seem sooo long !

On Monday the sun was shining here and i felt great, yesterday it was dim and dull and i felt misreable. Today the sun is shining and i feel better again:yesyes: , its weired isnt it how the weather affects our mood.

I think i best go live in the Canary Islands that might cure my mood !:yesyes: (probably not i would be moaning it was too warm, ya cant win can ya?)


23-09-08, 11:38

not sure if its true or not but someone told me we are gonna have a fairly sunny october. Something to look forward too????

POoh x

23-09-08, 12:24

I heard that too Pooh they reckon we are going to have an Indian Summer, but I can't see any signs of it here yet. Fingers crossed.


23-09-08, 12:28
i find dark nights comforting i love all the family indoors the fire is on just relaxing this is maybe another way to look at it hope it helps xx

23-09-08, 18:25
I love love love the darker nights because I find it sooooo much easier to go out shopping by dark (no not vampire tendencies just your common and garden agoraphobia) and I don't mind the cold either as long as I am wrapped up.

I will miss the longer days though cos you feel you get so much more done but as I see it we get advantages and disadvantages with all the seasons don't we. The only stuff I don't like is when we get endless grey days - now that can bring my spirits down. The best thing to do on those days is wear bright yellow!!! :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-09-08, 19:58
Yes Lynn i hate the dark nights...but i hate the dark mornings more.
Go out to work in the dark and come home in the dark, its so depressing.
S.A.D isnt it? seasonal adjustment disorder i think its called.
I feel really good when i wake up and the suns shining too, i dont like being stuck in the house when its nice outside....works wonders a little bit of sun.
Hope the suns stays around a bit longer eh!
Take care hun xx

23-09-08, 20:43
The best thing to do on those days is wear bright yellow!!! :yesyes:

So i best choose between the Canary Islands or wear something Yellow!

Now as i cant pluck up the courage to go on a areoplane i think my best option will be...........


Now that would certainly brighten up my day !lol


23-09-08, 21:05
I absolutely love dark winter nights and can't wait until that time of the year!

23-09-08, 21:34
Hi lynn

I bloody hate the sodding winter, its very depressing! All you seem to do is finish work & put ya pyjamas on & go to bed its very repetitive!

I have already started thinking meh get Christmas out the way & bring on summer xx

23-09-08, 21:57
snap love my hot weather hate the cold dark and dreary bright and bubbly couldnt agree more

23-09-08, 22:24
yes i much prefer the long sunny days to the short days of winter and periods of overcast and dull weather for it was during winter i felt worst and most depressed also the fact that the building i work in does not have any windows apart from opaque plastic in the roof and when its dull outside its dull inside over the last few years i have used a light box usually on a daily basis during the winter months and this seems to me to have helped quite a bit and the depression does not seem as bad as it used to during this time of the year

24-09-08, 01:15
Very much so. I hate the winter. The snow and scary driving and snow storms and feeling trapped inside. I get very depressed in the winter and I am not looking foward to it one bit.

Granny Primark
24-09-08, 10:34
:D :D :D :D
Right I think its time all of us who hate the dark nights and mornings got together and went to live in the canary islands!!!!:yesyes:

Perhaps we should open a bar and restraunt?
My future son in law could do the food cus hes a chef, my hubby could put on a disco cus hes an ex d.j.
Il work behind the bar.
Anyone else interested in coming?:D