View Full Version : New Member

23-09-08, 01:10
Hello everyone,

My name is Rod and I am 42 years old and live in New South Wales, Australia.

I have been visiting the forums and web site for several months now and have found it very helpfull and interesting. I can see that there are alot of people who have panic attacks like myself.

At first I had no idea what was going on and was going into my GP on a weekly basis and having some different test done, each time they would come back negative. I was even in intesive care in hospital for a week and the Doctors were convinced I had had a Heart attack and sent me for an angiogram.

I like alot of people were randomly typing symptoms into search engines and coming up with sometimes as many as 600 conditions I could have.

It was affecting my family and friends as well as my independence.

One day I found this web site and when reading down the list of symptoms I was convinced this was me. It gave me instant relief to finally know what was going on. I went back to the Doctor ( A different one from before) and he agreed and strait away prescribed me Aropax to try and settle me down. I was in a real mess still. He also made an appointment with a Clinical Psychologist for some CBT. This Doctor was very understanding.

I have been going to the Psychologist for 9 weeks now and am making great progress. I still get alot of symptoms but am better equipped to deal with them. They dont stop me doing anything now, although sometimes its still uncomfortable.

I am more in tune with my body now days and also I find I read alot more which helps me to relax. So I guess a positive to come out of all this is I discovered reading again. Also I stop and take more notice of the little things in life that I often brushed by. I spend more time with my 2 step sons.

Its also opened my eyes to people who suffer from these conditions.

23-09-08, 01:46
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

23-09-08, 02:40
Hi Rod
Great to see you here
Phill :shades:

23-09-08, 09:55
hey rod,
nice to meet you

23-09-08, 10:10
Hi Rod,

Great that you found this site!

Sounds like you have had a really traumatic experience, but it's great that you found a good doctor and that you have been able to get some CBT.

It's great to hear that you are making good progress. It will inspire and encourage many on this website who feel that there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Thanks again for sharing your story, and welcome to the NMP family!


* A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single foot step *

23-09-08, 10:16
hi rod
and welcome to nmp :welcome:
as you can see there are alot of us that suffer,
everyone here is very understanding though and you will make some great friends

milly jones
24-09-08, 15:34
a warm :welcome: to nmp

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xxxx:blush: