View Full Version : I'm new and need help

23-09-08, 09:01
Hi folks

Only found this site 24 hours ago and its already improved my life many times

During the past 2-3 years i've been seeing the doctor for all sorts of ailments. At the time they have seen justifiable but looking at it now I think they all point to being Anxiety/panic attacks

Most of my synptoms are as described in the help lists...not only am I ticking the odd point but I'm ticking most of them.

I've got to the stage where my house and local area feels like a safety blanket. I'm usually ok within the zone but quite quickly get panic attacks away from the zone.

During the past 2 weeks I've been getting , what I believe to be , anxiety/ panic attacks in the home. These can last all day and are horrible. They just simmer away and put me in a state of terror. I get asthma so i get a tightness of the chest and I feel that I'm not going to be able to breath. My asthma has only been diagnoised since christmas but looking at the signs and symptoms I believe I've had for the past few years.

I also become easily stressed which then brings on attacks. The simplist and most trivial thing that goes wrong can get me stressed. Is this linked with the anxiety/ panic attacks.

I'm seeing my doctor on thursday and I'm going to tell her about how I feel. I'm worried that she wont understand or I wont put myself accross cprrectly. Is this a subject that they are aware and If so can they help with any kind of treatments ?

Any advice or help would be gratefully recieved


23-09-08, 09:15
hey i understand how u feel as so will everyone on here there is loads of good advice an tips to help on here i would recomend u read claire weekes book essential help for nerves if u go into no more panic shop to the left of the page u will see free download of claire weekes listen to that it will help u understand how u feel if nothing else best of luck xx

23-09-08, 10:14
your doctor will understand. . .
and yes it is a subject they will be very used to.
if you are worried about putting yourself over right then write a list before you go with everything you want to ask on it.sounds silly but it works. . .

23-09-08, 22:35
Hi dave,

At least reading through the posts you will see you are not alone, the reassuring thing about nmp is whatever youve got you'll find find someone else has had it (and got the t-shirt!).

If you talk to your doctor about your anxiety and panic I am sure they will understand. I think a lot of doctors play it down simply because they dont want you to go thinking that anxiety and panic is somehting to 'worry' even more about (if that makes sense)

Good Luck