View Full Version : anxiety

23-09-08, 13:09
hi all
how come i dont feel stressed or anxious in my mind but still get some of the symptons

Cathy V
23-09-08, 13:41
Hi smiths, if you have symptoms of anx or stress then im afraid its more than likl eybecause you are. If you feel symptoms when you are 'relaxing' as alot of us do its usually because the adrenaline has nowhere to go...isnt being burned off like it is when we are moving. Your threads and posts show that you are anxious really and like alot of anxious people you think you have an illness and that possibly everyone is wrong about you and that it can't possibly be just anxiety...it is believe me. In time you will come to accept that it is and then you will begin to recover. Its normal at this stage to question everything, be it on nmp or at the docs...:)

Cathy xxx

23-09-08, 13:43
thank you cathy i really do feel like im asking too many questions !!!!

Cathy V
23-09-08, 13:47
No its natural to ask, and part of recovery. There are so many members and each can give you their view of anxiety, and you can take a little something from each of us and gradually you'll understand and start to believe that you can get better and when you believe it it will happen, promise. You'll get there. Small steps :) xxxx

26-09-08, 12:45
I have symptoms every day, but i feel as though my anxiety left me a couple of months back, i dont post here very often any more as i feel so much better, but the symptoms i still get...weird, really don't know what i've got to be anxious about!

you'll be fine hun, the key is to break the negative thought pattens associating with your symptoms xxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

26-09-08, 13:27
Hiya Smiths
Sometimes all weird and wonderful symptoms appear out of the blue, have a good look on the symptoms page and if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask, sorry that you are feeling so bad at the moment, sending you a big hug
