View Full Version : weird

25-05-05, 12:45
Hi All ive been getting these funny things in my head ie strange feelings and sounds.. I no it sounds stupid but its realy going on.. If i have a dream about something smashing .I hear it loud in my head... My brething has went all funny again.. Its like its stopping its so scary....Has enyone else had things like this.... I thought it might be my tablets but ive been on them for over 7 wks.. im on tramadol for back and leg pain...plz can anyone help? thanks for taking time to read this....

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

25-05-05, 13:07
Hi fran

sorry to hear your not feeling to good
has anything happened to stress you out a bit ?,
If your not happy go back to G.P and ask if these are a side effect of the meds you are on
try and distract yourself if you can,
I hope you feel a bit better soon pet
take care

kairen x

25-05-05, 13:22
Tanks the only thing i can think off is We got my brother head stone up on friday and as ive said before he is in the next plot to my son..So we went round on friday and joint the two plots togther..Maybe deep down thats what trigger it.. As all ive done is think about them both...thanks anyway.

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

25-05-05, 13:31
kairen thanks for the message back.. im feeling so low and down at the moment.. no one here to talk to...they think because its been three years for my son you should be over it.. well i dont think so..as for my brother he just pass on the 21st feb this year.. we were close to each other. he was coming over to see me the day he died.. but never got here i think he must have felt real low and bad that day. that he just ended his life... And belive me i know what depression its. Ive lived with it for over 15 years.. been kick to the kirb and bonced back again.. what ive been through in life you only read them in storie book.. but ive got this far myself and now with help of this site.. thanks all

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

25-05-05, 13:33
Hi Fran,

I have had the same feeling and sounds. It is a symptom of anxiaty.
I remeber falling asleep in front of the TV not sure what I was dreaming about but I heard s smashing sound. I thought someone had smashed someting in the kitchen. It frightend the life out of me I jumped out of the chair and because I was soooo scared it triggered of another anxiaty symptom, which was my breathing.
This happed a few times but as time as gone on and I am alot better it does not happen anymore.



25-05-05, 14:25
Hi Fran,
Sorry you are feeling so down, but it is to be expected. There is no limit on how long we grieve for, be easy on yourself and take it slowly. As you say you have come this far, and you will go further, just take it one day at a time and please keep in touch. xxxx