View Full Version : I am so tired:-(

23-09-08, 14:16
The last few days I am waking up feeling absoutly worn out, no energy at all. My body feels weak and my eyes are so heavy. I am not yawning alot like I normally do when I am tired at night but I just feel exhausted.

I am asleep by 11.30-midnight and awake at 6, sometimes I nod back off for an hour which usually does make me feel worse. I have the odd night where the children wake (I have 3 all under 7yrs) but usually I get to sleep for 6 hours straight. Why am I so tired then??

I had a stressful week last week when I found out ive chronic sinusitis and its left me rather anxious but the last 2 days ive been feeling abit better about it all.

I saw my GP last night and told him I was exhausted, he said maybe my feritin is abit low again so popped me back on the iron tablets and to see how i feel in a month, think he will then do a full blood count to be sure. I asked if it could be due to the sinus problem and he said no as im not infected or anything.

I hate feeling like this, its 2.15pm and I still feel like I did when I got up this morning, I had this yesterday until around 3pm then I felt more alive:winks:

My diet isn't great so maybe thats no helping, I have lost abit of weight but I have made sure ive eaten ok today yet I still feel exhausted. Its making me a little worried, I hate feeling like this, its such a struggle with the 3 children feeling this way. Could anxiety of finally caught up with me?

I had acupuncture for the first time this morning, I was told id feel tired afterwards but I felt like this beforehand:winks:

23-09-08, 14:20
Anxiety takes it's toll on the body, you are tired from stress,anxiety and depression.

You should try getting a good multi vit into your diet and make sure you eat red meat, chicken and peanuts... also lots of veges and fruit.
A lack of water can make you feel tired, 6 glasses a day!
And as long as your eating well, have a nice hot coffee, it helps

23-09-08, 14:22
Thanks Joyce,

I take Biocare vitamins everyday, not that they help really.

I would say in a day im probably getting 1000 calories max, my eating went really bad last week and I lost a few lbs. I can lose weight very easily.

I had a couple of late nights and early mornings over the weekend with it being my daughters birthday but even then I didn't feel this tired.

My anxiety has been awful lately so maybe it is that.

I can't have caffine so always de caff for me;-)

23-09-08, 14:30
Yup anxiety will take it out of you but it's not harmful just annoying
Once your extra stressful period is over you will get some energy back, i'd say x x

23-09-08, 14:31
Thanks Joyce,

I have just been worrying its a sign of something else, maybe I do have a sinus infection or something else nasty, I just feel so fatigued.

23-09-08, 15:04
I can sleep for England.
My pattern is quite scary. I sleep from roughly 11pm - 7am, but then i am alseep again by 9.30am for another couple of hours. I am always knackered.

23-09-08, 15:09
Thanks Joyce,

I have just been worrying its a sign of something else, maybe I do have a sinus infection or something else nasty, I just feel so fatigued.

Oh no no it will just be anxiety, besides your Dr did another blood count and if there was a problem it would show,, you may have low iron again too:hugs:

23-09-08, 15:13
I don't know if its just coincindice but in the three years (and more) I've had anxiety I have never had this feeling until the last couple months. When I checked out on here in the various forums it seems to be a regular topic. It makes me wonder whether it is some underlying virus or even just something as simple as the climate- where did our summer go?

It really is a pain. Everyone copes in their own way but for me extreme tiredness gets me very agitated. I think its the conflict. My body is saying "let me sleep" and my mind is saying "no way I'm wide awake".

BTW I have 3 children all under 7 yrs too. Maybe there is something in that alone. Also two of my own have just started nursery and school so will no doubt be bringing home all sorts of bugs. The thing is that when you have anxiety it is very difficult to tell when you have a bug of any sort because you don't know whether it is just another anxiety symptom and you have no level of feeling normal to compare it with.

Hopefully it will go with time. Having kids of this age means we have no time to just sleep it off even if our minds would let us.

All the best


23-09-08, 15:26
Thanks for your replies, I hope its just anxiety, I still haven't shaken it off, I feel so exhausted, my eyes are shutting.

My GP said he will do bloods in a month if I feel no better but until then I will just plod on. I last had full bloods done in May so not too long ago.

23-09-08, 15:31

Just to let you know i feel the same, i also have 2 children 3 and 6 months and am suffering from HA. Woke up this morning feeling really whoozy and light headed and with that funny feeling in your stomach like you are on a fair ground ride - do you get that? I hate it when that happens, it usually happens when i move my head /change focus - i guess it is anxiety/lack of sleep but of course i am worrying that it is brain tumour......?????
It is hard with young children, everything is magnified and the lack of sleep, combined with an anxiety problem and in my case a thyroid problem as well, really does take it;s toll.

23-09-08, 16:35
Hello Libby, a 1000 calories is not very much, I have just lost 3 stone in 4 months and I was eating 1250-1500 calories a day then I am back up to 2000 per day now. Do you think this is why you are tired? It is really hard physical work looking after 3 children. Have you thought about some protein shakes maybe. I did read somewhere that if you are tired in the morning and awake in the evening to get your thyroid checked, might be worth mentioning next time you are at the docs. Hope you are feeling better soon big hugxxx

23-09-08, 20:34

Yes I am more awake in the evening, I am tired throughout the day then at night I feel wide awake.

I had my thyroid checked in June when I was having palpatations and it was normal.

I don't eat anywhere near as much as I should do, I always neglect myself.

23-09-08, 21:10
Are you on meds? I went through a period where I was so tired and worn out all the time, even after sleeping all night. I would cry because I was so tired. The doctor changed my meds and I started feeling better. Although there are still times I am absolutely exhausted for no apparent reason. I give up trying to figure it out and just deal with it as it comes. Good luck to you. I hope that you feel better soon.

14-10-08, 12:17
Hi Libby,

I came onto the forum because I've been feeling exactly the same as you - absolutely wiped out, sleepy and with brain fog. It's horrible.

I do have hypothyroidism and have recently increased my dose, but it's not made much difference. I know you have normal thyroid levels (which is great), but it might be an idea to get your adrenal levels checked (I'm planning to ask for this test too). If your adrenals are stressed and not producing enough cortisol or DHEA then you will feel tired and stressy, especially in the morning. The fact you feel more awake as the day goes on (do you get a 'second wind' at night?) is a symptom of adrenal problems.

I'm not saying in any way that it's definitely that, but it's something to nag your GP about...and if the levels are fine, then it's one less thing to worry about :-)

I hope things get better...take care.

Anna. x