View Full Version : kidney pains

23-09-08, 14:24
hey, lately i have been getting some pains around where my kidneys are, its not really really painful but it does hurt a bit. i'm starting to really freak out about it any ideas what it might be? can anyone relate?
please reply
Luv Louise

23-09-08, 15:06
I can relate. I somethimes get pain on one side of my lower back, and it always makes me worried about my kidneys. With me it is usually associated with movement and feeling tense, i.e it goes away if I am still and relaxed. So I do suspect it might be muscle/anxiety related. But it still gets me in a great big panic fromm time to time! Is yours a deep pain, and is it still there when you are calm and not worrying about it? I think most actual kidney problems also have other symptoms, like blood in urine and fever.........

23-09-08, 15:16
when i don't seem to be thinking about it, it does tend to go away, it is not a constant pain. also..it does seem to be the only symptom.

23-09-08, 16:03
It's probably muscle strain or something. If you start weeing a lot more than usual, or having fevers (really quite high temperatures) or any sort of blood in wee then go to the doctors. When I had a kidney infection, my first symptom was jsut being absolutely wiped out - I couldn't move for three days! Couldn't even read/listen to music. Nothing. Then I had the most incredible fever - bedsheets soaked through, almost convulsing (husband slept through it!). Finally, I started peeing blood clots - not pleasant! so it is usually obviousl when it is something to do with the kidneys. If it gets worse or is worrying you, go to docs and they can test your wee.

Does ibuprofen help? if so, it is likely to be muscular.


23-09-08, 16:20
I agree that when you stop thinking about it they tend to go away. Or when I seek a doctor's advice over a symptom, it mysteriously goes away on its own making me look like a hypochondriac. Has that happened to you?

23-09-08, 16:25
yes that happens to me quite a bit.

29-11-08, 11:04
I am currently having the above symptoms tut..... its a dull ache for me....so it could actually be a P.A. G.A. symptom ??? i have been a suffer for 10 years...never had back pain in kidney area befroe though.....is this another symptom i need to ckeck off xxx

29-11-08, 11:09
you might just have a urine infection. I'd go see the GP & have a urine test. xx