View Full Version : New from UK

23-09-08, 19:10
Hi all.
I just joined. Found the site while googling the propranalol my Dr has just prescribed me, and of course I want to know all about it before I start taking it. I have been suffering from panic attacks since 1997. I went to some classes but although they helped for a time, it has all started up again with a vengeance again recently. I blame pre menopause for this. I also have bipolar disorder for which I am currently not taking the epilim I was prescribed and am waiting to see my pdoc again soon to get new meds. I was actually prescribed the propranalol for migraines which I get about once or twice a month and last between 3 and 14 days. I am so fed up with them. Paracetamol, paramax, naramig and alternatives like olbas oil and tiger balm work some of the time, but more often just nothing works, and I go to bed and wake up again in pain. It is driving me mad and ruining my life. I also have trouble sleeping. I am currently in a depressive phase of my BP. I was reading some posts here and felt I could really relate. I get strange palpitation things that freak me out too, and also get anxious about taking meds and side effects. Then I get anxious about stopping them too. I am agoraphobic and have to force myself to go out ever. I can't go out alone at all, haven't done for 11 years. Sometimes I can't leave my room. I feel like I am living in some kind of fear bubble, and I get a lot of existential angst- like my life is ticking by faster and faster and I am just wasting it. So I think I have rambled on enough and that will do for an introduction!
Moggie x

23-09-08, 19:25
Hi Moggie

Welcome to the site!!

I'm sorry to see you have been going through a pretty horrible time with the anxiety/agoraphobia and migrains.

I suffer with anxiety/agoraphobia too so i can sympathise with you on that one. This site had helped me loads and i have made some very close friends here.

I hope you get lots of help and advice

Love Lisa

23-09-08, 19:48
Hi and welcome :)


Granny Primark
23-09-08, 20:33
Hi moggie,
A big welcome to the site. Its so good that you can relate to some of the posts on the site.
I think that alone helps.
Im sure you will get loads of help and support from the members.

23-09-08, 21:40
Welcome, you have come to the right place! I empathize with your situation. I suffer from bi-polar also, although my meds have stabalized the extreme ups and downs, it is always there. I am fortunate to not have any social anxiety therefore I work full time. I think being out is better for me or I would become a hermit as I do when I am not working. Good luck to you! Maybe we will meet on the chat line!

23-09-08, 22:17
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

Cathy V
23-09-08, 22:30
Hi moggie and welcome to nmp. Ive been fortunate enough never to have suffered with depression...the anxiety symptoms are bad enough! but i do take propranolol, and they were given to me because of anxiety, high blood pressure and migraines. I take 80mg slow release daily and apart from some side effects they seem to be ok for me at the mo.

I hope you get all you want to from the forum..you're not alone ok?
Best wishes
Cathy xxx

24-09-08, 09:18
hi moggie im new here also. welcome.

milly jones
24-09-08, 15:30
a warm :welcome: to nmp

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xxxx:blush: