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View Full Version : OCD Germs,washing,checking etc

25-05-05, 13:23
Hi everyone,
i was looking through some posts and realised i'm not alone with my errr strange habbits/obsesions.
I have suffered panic attacks and anxiety for abt 15 years.
Years ago they were much worse than they are now, i have learned over the years to deal with them/cope with them, they are still there and do bother me but i do know now what they are and so they frighten me less than they did.
BUT about 6 years ago i started to develop OCD, i don't know what triggered it other than the anxiety/phobia etc.

I have some very strange obbsesions though and wondered if anyone else has them? i find coping with everyday things so difficult, my main phobia for years has been Emitaphobia (vomiting) so i'm assuming all the OCD with germs etc stems from that, i am constantly washing my hands, i'd say at least 50 to 60 times a day, not too good on the old skin let me tell ya.
If i make even the most simple of foods i become obsessed that it will get contaminated, even making a sandwich can take me 20 mins washing my hands over and over washing the work top chopping board oh my god , cooking dinner i'm washing my hands constantly and useing endless rolls of kitchen towels.......my diet is very limited because i will only eat safe foods, toast mainly and chips, not exactly healthy, if i cook potato i boil them for so long they end up looking like some dredful mess i'm getting so ill from not eating properly and wondered if anyone else has this problem and might be able to share some helpful tips or advise, i don't want to live like this i didn't realise how bad i was until recently i thought about spaying my mouth with detox ( i didnt do it of course) but i am so desperate to avoid germs, i have recently been to see a phychiatrist who has said the ocd is severly affecting my quality of life (tell me something i don't know) and i am now waiting for some treatment with him, in the meantime although i do manage my panic well these days the germ fear is getting me down and making me very depressed.
Any help would be a godsend :o)
Thanks for listening it means alot
Sharon xxxxx

25-05-05, 14:28
Sharon ,

Whilst we can give you general support willingly, we are not experts on OCD so you may want to find additional specialist help at www.ocduk.org


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

25-05-05, 15:55
Hi Meg
thank you for the link to the OCD site, i will certainly be visiting it often.
A world of info is available and i'm sure would help lots more people if only doctors knew of these pages etc[Sigh...].
Again thank you for the support i'm finding this site a great benefit

Sharon xxxxx

27-05-05, 03:22
Hi Incii,

I can very much relate to what you are going through. I have had a huge flare-up of OCD and germaphobia in recent years due to high levels of stress.

At one time I was taking the herbal remedies kava kava and St. John's Wort. With that combination, my depression and OCD symptoms were almost non-existent. Unfortunately, I had to begin taking hormones (birth control pills) (not sure if you are male or female) and St. John's Wort cannot be taken while on on them. And kava went off the market here in the US for a few years.

Of course, caution must always be used when taking herbal remedies especially if you are on on medications. I just wanted to let you know that I found an inexpensive and simple solution that worked for me for a number of years. Unfortunately I can take neither remedy now because of the meds I am on.

As you may have discovered, there is exposure therapy in which a health professional will work with you to desensitive you to the germophobic thoughts. I have not done this but has heard it can be very effective.

I hope you find some solutions, and please know that you and I are keeping the makers of kitchen towels in business. [^]


27-05-05, 09:22
Hi seeking
it's good of you to share the tips, i am on thyroid medication but will certainly check with doc if i can try the herble rems and if i can will give them a go.
I laughed out loud at the kitchen towel comment, oh my hehe.

take care please feel free to PM if you want to talk

Sharon xxxxx